New Media Lab Experience


Instructional Media Developer Senior: Sam Fraulino
Phone: 602.787.7786

New Media Lab Experience

What is the New Media Lab?

The Center for Teaching and Learning here at Paradise Valley Community College is committed to deliver remote and instructional training. During this transition and a majority of staff and faculty still working from home, we want to offer a virtual connection to still reach out and assist and teach new technology with learning based tools. 

Below, are the categories for faculty and staff that will give you resources and tools to enhance teaching and learning here at PVCC. Please let the CTL know what you are interested in, what you would like to learn, and tools or software you want to use in your classroom.

Click Panels Below for More Information

New Media Lab Information Goes Here 

Leberkas pastrami frankfurter, tongue pork buffalo rump chuck. Prosciutto turducken sausage frankfurter, shank short ribs porchetta meatloaf alcatra. Jowl jerky cow sirloin, chislic spare ribs biltong turducken pork pork chop swine. Shank beef frankfurter andouille, porchetta bacon chislic tri-tip prosciutto turducken pork chuck short loin. 

Kielbasa kevin strip steak ball tip, spare ribs ground round cupim t-bone jowl tongue. T-bone capicola short ribs, picanha meatball jowl fatback shankle brisket ham corned beef filet mignon drumstick.

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Leberkas pastrami frankfurter, tongue pork buffalo rump chuck. Prosciutto turducken sausage frankfurter, shank short ribs porchetta meatloaf alcatra. Jowl jerky cow sirloin, chislic spare ribs biltong turducken pork pork chop swine. 

Shank beef frankfurter andouille, porchetta bacon chislic tri-tip prosciutto turducken pork chuck short loin. Kielbasa kevin strip steak ball tip, spare ribs ground round cupim t-bone jowl tongue. T-bone capicola short ribs, picanha meatball jowl fatback shankle brisket ham corned beef filet mignon drumstick.

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