Adjunct Faculty 

Adjunct Faculty

What are Adjunct Faculty Resources

The term “adjunct faculty” describes a professor who is hired on a temporary basis, often to teach only a course or two for a single semester or year.

Adjuncts typically teach reduced course loads as compared to their more permanent peers. Here at PVCC we want to support our adjuncts by providing them with as many supports and resources as our full-time faculty or employees. 

We value and appreciate our adjuncts. We provide and encourage a variety of professional development opportunities. As you explore this site you will find many resources to get you started on the right path.

As the Adjunct Faculty Coordinator I am here to support you.  If you have any questions about our monthly training or adjuncts events, or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me at


"Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandel

Adjunct Resource Contacts and Information

Additional Personal Contacts

For current technical training opportunities at PVCC through our CTLEE- Click Here for course descriptions.  Once you are on the page click on the event on the right for a description of the class.  To register- click on Technology Training Registration in Related Links.

For more information about the Adjunct Faculty Group (AFG) Click on Adjunct Faculty Group in Related Links. To contact your PVCC AFG representatives email Hayley Steinberg at and/or Marie Thearle at 

For more information on the Adjunct Faculty Professional Growth Funds (for conference attendance, for example) Click on Adjunct Faculty Professional Growth link in Related Links or email Jim Rubin at

For more information on the Tier System and how it works click on Adjunct Faculty Tiers in Related Links.  For classes that have been approved to earn tier hours click on Tier Eligible System Training. If you have any more questions that are Tier related email Contact Coming Soon