
Please ensure the appropriate forms are completed by Friday 8 December 2023

British Passport

If your student will be travelling on a British Passport please upload a photocopy of the passport. Alternately this can be brought into school for us to upload. 

The upload must show their 

International Passport

If your student will be travelling on an international passport please upload a photocopy of the passport and proof of their leave to remain in the UK. Alternatively these can be brought into school for us to upload. 

Collective Passport

If your child will be travelling on a collective passport please complete the following. 

Schengen Visa Information

For students who are travelling on an non-European passport you will require a visa to enter France.

The information for the Schengen Visa can be found on the website below 

The details for the trip, including the accommodation and travel arrangements can be found on the letter below. 

Schengen Visa Letter