Tutoring Overview

Learning does not have to be boring or tedious! At Paper Plane Tutoring all students get access to private one-on-one lessons that encourage learning concepts and developing studying techniques rather than focusing on memorizing materials. Parents and students have the freedom to schedule lessons as needed, ranging between 20 minutes to 50 minutes. Please contact us to learn more. Happy learning!



Why Choose Us? 

Paper Plane Tutoring takes private tutoring and makes it even more personal with individual study plans, assessments, and notes. The price of packages doesn't depend on how often you come but on what your goals for the sessions are. Some students are looking to pass a class while others may be looking to get better exam prep notes. Whatever your goal is, Paper Plane Tutoring has you covered! 


About me

Hi, I am Fare and I hope to be your tutor! 

I enjoy learning very much and I am picking up new skills whenever I can. I enjoy teaching a broad range of subjects but my favourite is biology. During my time at university, I pursued nursing; afterwards, I started working towards a pilot's license, completed an algebra math certification through John Hopkins University and became a certified personal trainer. 

In the future I hope to become a UX designer, pursue a degree in education and travel as much as I possibly can! During my free time, I enjoy going on long walks, cooking with friends, and studying new subjects to teach! 

A message to my students:

I hope you chase after what you want with persistence and you never settle for less. Always strive to be educated and seek knowledge in unconventional ways and places. Let no one limit your potential! 


Why I love Fare!!

Hear what students have to say!