
Te Manga NZ-T-148-Matariki-PowerPoint_ver_4

We are learning all about Matariki

What is Matariki?

Matariki is the Māori name for  a group of stars. The science name is the Pleiades and instead of ‘group’ they call it a star cluster. 

It signalled the start of the Māori New Year for some tribes. Maori people followed a lunar calendar. That means that the months were organised around the moon. Marama is the name for moon. That is why the calendar is called Maramataka.

When is Matariki?

Matariki appears just before dawn in late May or early June. Different tribes celebrated Matariki at different times. Some celebrated when it was first seen. Some celebrated at the first new moon or full moon after the Matariki was seen. We now celebrate Matariki as the new Maori year, when the first full moon is seen.

Matariki is a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting. 

read matariki Stories

RTR-Matariki Breakfast-Online.pdf

Matariki Breakfast

The Eyes of Tawhirimatea - nz-t-27345-the-eyes-of-tawhirimatea-story-powerpoint

Check out these great videos to help us learn about Matariki.

matariki activities - rona and the moon

We also had a go at learning the poi to perform during the song too.

Rona and the Moon.mov

Last year some of the students in Te Manga re-told Rona and the Moon using digital technology. The students had to learn their parts and were filmed in Te Kauru's green room. 

matariki stars art

We decided to make mixed media stars (whetū) as part of our learning about Te Iwa o Matariki. 

The Nine Stars of Matariki Overview.pdf

The Nine Stars of Matariki


Use Google Slides, Drawing, Docs or your topic book to CREATE at least TWO of the follow...


Explain ways you could celebrate Matariki or make a poster encouraging people to celebrate Matariki.


List foods you might harvest at Matariki or plan a menu using 5 of the foods you might harvest during Matariki.


Re-tell  a story of Matariki in your own words.

You can watch this video before Thursday so you know what to do or click on the link to look at the instructions on how to make a flax star!

We will learn about the  tikanga (protocols) for harvesting harakeke (flax) and about how it can be used. 


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