

Copy of Maths Plan Term 3

Math Seeds

Log in to Math Seeds. The activities will help you improve your number skills in a fun way. Challenge yourself to get better! Same log-in as Reading Eggs. Find yours in your 100 club reading folder or notebook.

Learn your basic facts to 10.

4+2= 1+3= 5+3= Learn all the basic facts off by heart.

4+0= 8+2= 6+4= Ask someone to test you.

2+2= 7+2= 4+3= 1+8= etc... Time yourself. Can you do 10 of them in 10 seconds?

Now try take aways!

9-4= 7-5= 8-7= Do these with some spoons, pegs or toys.

6-3= 9-7= 4-2= Make up some number stories.

3-1= 10-5= 7-3= 6-4= etc... Another word for take away is subtract.


Maths Plan Term 3

Maths is also colour matching!

...And learning shapes!

Height and measurement.

Learning numbers and the order of them.

Maths Songs!

Maths Songs

TERM 1&2

Maths Plan Term 2

Counting feet in twos 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20...

Fun with Fractions!