Proud and Passionate Leaders of Learning in the Heart of the Community

[‘Inā te tūkaha, te tū maia o ngā kaiarataki mātauranga kei waenganui, kei te manawa o te iwi kāinga’]

Te Kauru - Year 6

Tena Koutou Katoa. Nau mai haere mai ki te Paparanga o Te Kauru 2021. [Our class site]

We are a Manaiakalani class and follow the kaupapa - 'LEARN CREATE SHARE'.

Here you can find what we are learning, and our blogs are where we share what we have learned with our creations to show our learning [What we now know].

Welcome to Term 4 2021. Wow! it has been a rollercoaster of a year so far. Our students at Paparore have shown amazing resilience to cope and continue with their learning whether online or in class. The teachers in Te Kauru hope you have all had a well-deserved break and are ready to, take on, work hard and enjoy your last term in Te Kauru and at Paparore School.

In Te Kauru we start the term with -25 Akonga [Learners]. We farewelled Kahlai at the end of term 3 and welcomed Reo.

Staff in Te Kauru for term 4 are Kaiako Edwina Stevenson and Mrs. Anne Radich, Kaiawhina - Jada Taaffe and Kaiako mahi - Jade Wikitera-Wharerau. Our classroom is the big building at the back of the school next to the school playground.

Term 4-Te Kauru daily notices

Ka hui a Kukara i tenei ra i te 10.30 am. Ka kite koe apopo i reira. Google meet at 10.30 am today. See you there.

Click on the google meet icon then put tekauru in the box to join the meeting.

What we need to know when we join and are in a Google meet.

Online/Class Learning Groups

Check which group you are in.

Whole Class learning group.

Pioke Learning group 2


Learning group 1


Learning group 3

Contact for Whaea Jade-

Please use this email to share your learning with Whaea Jade and to ask questions relating to our mahi.

Term 4 Weekly Challenge

Karakia me te Mihi

Term 4 2021 Te Kauru Karakia and Mihi Roster

Term 4 Week 3 Certificates

Term 4 Week Certificates

Mathletics Awards

Term 4 Week 5

Top Class - Te Tinana

Week 5 Top of Tekauru


School wide - Top 10 students

Kevin 4th

Te Kauru - School Term Timetable

Te Kauru 2021 Class site Term 2 Timetable

Daily Timetable

Week 7 Term 4

Self directed learning

Directed learning Tasks Term 4 2021

Weekly Checkout

Term 4 Te Kauru 2021 checkout slides