Friday 24th July

Getting started:

Teacher Message ~

Happy Friday! Remember to complete & submit your learning today. Have a great day everyone:)

Reminders for today:

Sanitise your hands when entering class and leaving the class.

Respond to the break bells by lining up by your class.

This was part of my speech to be a school councillor 'Live to believe and strive to achieve.' by Abhilasha


Noah doing his writing.

Teacher Shout Outs!

Valu for showing awesome leadership in our team!

Easter V. for always working to the best of her ability.

Liam for showing great focus as a learner in team 3.

Ambrielle for showing fantastic leadership in our team!

Bailey for sharing his pepeha to the class with amazing pride and confidence!

Team 3 School Councillor Profile

Core Learning @ P.I

If you received a shout out or certificate this week, we will be adding some banqer $ to your account. Congratulations!