Level 1 Connections

19/8 11ENGLISH I am still trying to sort out my website: whatever I put onto my Year 12 Reading Responses page also appears on my Year 11 Connections page. and vice versa. BY TOMORROW you need to have typed up the first 3 texts' connection on the theme of 'dislocation', with an introduction, and you will share it with me by the end of the period. You also need to have chosen your 4th text, and have watched/read it in order to write it up on Monday. The assessment and the link to the exemplars are in Hapara, and I will re-install the recording of Monday's lesson.17/8 Lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3Md5SmXULCfpbKYt3TLLR42y4V3eHQj/view 19/8 Lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N7pT-Z7s-chyBNrwOg-J0SnN26kOcrJW/view
20/8 Lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nlTWtGMolmIPbO9P0FJr8gAGNts3g_jo/view ALSO, the link to the EXEMPLARS for this standard https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/subjects/english/annotated-exemplars/level-1-as90852/
24/8: Lesson https://drive.google.com/file/d/1raFbhOnCzDxeUFBP9fClucEcFMafDj6H/view
26/8: Lesson https://drive.google.com/file/d/170hqyWVPII2vVJ3lCcVDQIMMp0oE2E5f/view
27/8: Lesson https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qg855Wggo4IjjJXs9TY61-3Jn_4mMr_4/view SEE YOU IN PERSON ON MONDAY!
90852 ass