Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When are practice times?

Practice times are posted on a weekly basis. Be sure to check often in the event of delays, cancellations or closings

Question: Do I need to purchase equipment up front?

If you fencer is a beginner, we suggest postponing the purchasing of equipment. We have equipment for all participants. Fencers in the "Intermediates +" training group are required to have competition equipment. If you wish to purchase equipment see Coach Pixie for details.

Question: Does my fencer need compete in order to remain in the club?

No. We have fencers that participate for recreational purposes only. Competitions are available for all fencers if interested.

Question: Where will competitions take place?

Depending on the level of competition and the age of the fencer in “fencing years”, locations may be in Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Hershey, and Pittsburgh. Regional meets can be as far as Boston, MA, Virginia , West Virginia, and Ohio. Nationals rotate each year from coast to coast. USA Summer Nationals for the 2023-2024 year will be held in Columbus, OH, June 29th –July 8th, 2024