Psychological Association for Gender Expression and Sexuality (PAGES)

What is PAGES?

Mission Statement

PAGES is a student group dedicated to fostering a sexuality and gender-inclusive environment for personal, professional, and community growth emphasizing intersections among queer and other minoritized identities. Additionally, PAGES aims to promote rigorous scientific research relevant to the lives of gender and sexual minority people. Throughout the year, PAGES strives to make PAU and our surrounding community a more affirmative landscape for sexual and gender identity diversity by holding community-building events, providing queer support groups, and serving as an advocacy resource for queer students on campus. PAGES also strives to foster partnerships with other student groups focused on minoritized identities and take actions towards supporting these communities. PAGES welcomes all PAU students and faculty to join meetings, events, and discussions to further advocacy, inclusion, and education relevant across intersectional gender and sexual orientation diversities.

Updated Dec. 2020



Kit Aleksyuk

Vice President

Deanaletta Seif 


Seja Saddy

Public Relations

Kaila Young

MS Representative

Kit Aleksyuk

Faculty Advisor

Jan Habarth, PhD

Upcoming Events

Featured Presentation

SGIC Panel 4.16.21.mp4

Video recording from the Making Space: Working with LGBTQ+ Clients Q&A event that took place on April 16th, 2021.

Slides from this and other presentations can be found on the Presentation page & resources from the chat can be found on the Resources page.