New Teacher Welcome Site

Click here to learn more about us.

About Us

The School District of Palm Beach County is the tenth largest in the nation and the fifth largest in the State of Florida serving more than 197,000 students (this number includes students that attend non-District operated Charter Schools) who speak 146 languages and dialects. As the largest employer in Palm Beach County, the School District has 22,600 employees, including more than 12,900 teachers.
Click here to learn more about the School Board.

School Board

The School Board of Palm Beach County welcomes and encourages citizens to be involved and attend its meetings. Time is set aside at each of the regularly-scheduled monthly meetings to allow Palm Beach County residents, businesses, organizations, or District employees to address the Board. Our School Board is here to support you. Enjoy learning more about the School Board of Palm Beach County.
Click here to learn more about CTA.

CTA Partnership

Justin Katz, president of the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association welcomes you to the District and shares the benefits of joining CTA. Get involved, get active, make a difference.
Click here to learn more about the Educator Support Program.

Educator Support Program

The Educator Support Program (ESP) is the School District of Palm Beach County’s official induction and support program for newly hired and emerging educators. It is an exploration of instructional best practices that are universal across contents, grades, and all facets of education.
Click here to learn more about District Departments.

District Departments

The District offices are here and ready to support you. From the start you were supported by some of the amazing departments in Human Resources and School Police. That's just the beginning. The other departments are here to support you as well. Here are some special resources to help you along the way.
Click here to learn more about professional learning opportunities.

Professional Learning

From content specific resources to collaboration and engagement techniques, the District has you covered. The Teacher Support Site will help you find professional learning that you can engage in for your professional practice. The classes will be accessible once you have completed the hiring process and have received your Employee ID Number.
Click here to learn more about observation and evaluation.

Observation & Evaluation

Palm Beach County's Focused Model serves as the model of instruction for all grade levels and content areas. Used to plan and implement rigorous and engaging lessons, it is also a core component of our teacher observation and evaluation system. Your supervisors will go through the classroom teacher and non-classroom teacher system in more detail, but here are some important materials to get you started.
Click here to learn more about alternative certification.

Alternative Certification

The Professional Development Certification Program is a rigorous 2-year program designed to develop quality teachers by offering professional education preparation via online learning and mentor support to newly hired educators with subject area expertise.

Proudly brought to you by the Department of Professional Development.