Kindergarten Chorus Fine Arts Class

Welcome to PSOA's Kindergarten Chorus Distance Learning Page!!

As we are all trying to navigate this new adventure, please know that I am here to help you have the BEST Kindergarten Chorus experience! I have already sent you a code to my Kindergarten Chorus Google Classroom. This is not required daily. I would aim at practicing for 30 minutes at least once a week. Once your child has practiced, please fill out the Google form that is on that page and let me know what you practiced! More songs will be added in the next couple of weeks. You will also have motion videos to follow along with soon! Right now they are practicing the songs for the Kindergarten play we would have performed at the end of the year called Arf! It's super fun! I am looking at the possibility of performing it at the beginning of the year next year if we won't be able to perform it this year. Again please let me know if you need any help. My email address is My office hours are 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. Thank you for giving your child the gift of music!

April 24, 2020 UPDATE

Hi amazing Kindergarten! You guys are doing such a great job practicing and filling out the form!! I'm also happy to see that you are enjoying the stories I've recorded for you. Also, look for the update on National Day of Gratitude which is April 30 - let's all show some gratitude for the HEROES in our lives!! AND be sure to send me your version of the song - I would love to see it!! Keep trying to practice at least 30 minutes each week and don't forget to fill out the form. You guys are doing great!

April 16, 2020 UPDATE

Hi Kindergarten! I now have 5 songs and 2 stories uploaded. Please try to practice at least 30 minutes a week. And don't forget to fill out the form to let me know what you practiced or which story you listened to. Keep up the good work - you guys are doing great!

It's Spirit Week (4/6 - 4/10, 2020)

Let's have some fun!!