Virtual Library

Librarian/Media Specialist/Fine Arts Teacher on the Wheel, Cheryl May, contact CONTACT

Christie Schwab, Principal Mary Schmitz, Asst Principal


Q: Will there be BOB Competition Club this year?

Library Media Services, who hosts BOB, is planning on a BOB Competition. However, the timing is flexible at the moment. So, we will begin as a Virtual Club. Post your questions in the Google Classroom. I'll set up questions that you can answer based on your question. So, at this point, we'll work on the individual books instead of teamwork.

Q: Are all the BOB books on MackinVia yet?

Not yet. Library Media Services who purchases the subscriptions is in the process of doing so. I'll let you know when. Until then, there are links to the e-books in the County and Mandel libraries you can borrow.

Q: I'm a 5th grader and have library books. How do I return them?

A: First, keep your library books in a safe place. Second, if you are going to a public middle school, return your library books to your new Media Specialist. If you are going to a private middle school or will be homeschooled, please make arrangements to return them to the school site once the new school year begins.

Q: I have library books in my classroom. How can I get them returned?

A: No problem! I've asked teachers to place all library books (student & teacher) in a safe space in their classroom. These will be returned to the library once we are all safely back at the school site.

Q: What about the books I have at home?

Q: Please keep your library books in a safe place. They can be returned to the library once we are all safely back at the school site.

Q: I don't remember which books I have checked out from the library.

A: No worries! A reminder notice will be sent once the new school year begins. can logon to Destiny through the portal and check.

Book Marks


Updated 7/23/20