Welcome to Mrs. Lansberry's Classroom Website!

Welcome back to another exciting year here at CMMS. Whether in person, or virtually, together we can accomplish anything! I am so excited to get to know each and every one of you! It's going to be an exciting year and I look forward to helping you learn all you need to learn this year!

Regardless of your previous classes, experiences and grades, I believe that you are capable of being successful in this class and I am here to help make that possible. If you put forth 100% of your effort, you will come out of this year feeling great about math!

Get ready for an amazing year!!!

Use the links below to connect to your Google Classroom:

All classwork and assignments can be found on Google Classroom. You must be enrolled as a student in my class to access the work. Parents of students can receive a weekly class summary report to see what assignments their child has turned in, needs to complete, or missing.

Teacher Contact Information:

Email: Cassandra.Lansberry@palmbeachschools.org