Measurement & Data

Measurement and Data | Estimated Time 5 hrs | E = 28% M = 15%

Mini-Lesson Targeted Skill:

Engage learners in a targeted content-driven presentation based on a specific lesson, skill of study. Provide a brief explanation of the skill relevance through modeling and demonstrations. Be prepared to remediate and or reteach when necessary.

(15-20 minutes)

The learners will be able to interpret measurable characteristics of objects that represent a data set with up to four categories.

Instructional Materials/Activity

2020 Measurement and Data


(All lesson notes and or annotation should be supported by a topic/ skill driven Outline Template, to assist learners in summarizing the key skills covered).


  • Marshmallows from Lucky Charm cereal

  • Snack bag


Graphing with Cereal

Key Vocabulary:

Key Vocabulary: Measurement

Key Vocabulary: Data

Independent Practice

Facilitate learning groups to engage in problem-based learning to reinforce mini lesson. Students self-explore.

(20-25 minutes)

The learner groups will work collaboratively to demonstrate skill understanding through completing the graphing with cereal activity (Please see the graphing cereal link above for specific instructions).

Guided Practice

Engage with small groups to guide lines of thinking.

(20-25 minutes)

The instructor will engage the learner groups in a short oral formative assessment recapping skills covered in the mini-lesson and applied in the graphing cereal activity.

Lesson Flip /Pull-Outs

Work with the learner to demonstrate mastery utilizing instructor-selected tools through presentation and/or pull-outs.

(20-25 minutes)

The students will demonstrate how to create, collect, and present data by asking classmates questions such as their favorite soda, which hand do you write with and create a table.

Personal Skill Development

Provide an opportunity for students to utilize online learning tools to facilitate individualized instruction.

(20-30 minutes)

Education Essentials: TABE Academy

New Readers Press Kaplan GEd Test Prep 2018

Complete Lesson 1-3: Data and Statistics Pgs. 281-287


Career and Soft Skill Development: My Career Shines

The Probe

Provide an opportunity for students to review, ask additional questions, reflect on changes to their thinking, and identify new skills they have developed.

(15-20 minutes)

3-2-1 (Exit Ticket)

Students will write:

  1. Three facts they learned about the measurement and data.

  2. Two questions they still have about measurement and data; that might not have been covered in class today.

  3. One skill you have learned that can be transferred into you job and or career.

Instructional Evaluation

(How effective was the instruction today)

Review the learner artifacts and exit tickets from each group. Develop a plan of remediation, reteach and or review.