Adam Goldstick

Artist Statement

"My name is Adam Goldstick and for as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed telling stories. This year in class, I worked to develop my own creative portfolio in order to foster personal and creative growth as a filmmaker. I have found that this is rooted in maintaining an open mind and listening to others while finding my own distinct vision and creative style and that becoming a more serious filmmaker is driven by long-term passion and a search for new ideas. I hope to continue this passion in the future and tell the stories of others to further enrich my own."

-Adam Goldstick


It's so Easy

Public Service Announcement

Substance Abuse PSA.mp4

Substance Abuse

Public Service Announcement



Short Film

Do Not Open - Rough Cut.mp4

Do Not Open

Short Film

Adam Goldstick - DV3 - Deadline 3

Past, Present, and Future of Drones in Cinema

Research Paper

Balancing the Role of a Protagonist in Visual Storytelling

Balancing the Role of a Protagonist in Visual Storytelling

Research Paper