Welcome to Information Central for WIZARD OF OZ: YOUTH EDITION!  

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kockler at elizabeth.kockler@palmaccsd.org


Friday, November 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 23rd at 3:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m.

Ways to stay updated


Our ticket website is open for business!  We will start advertising to the general public next week, but I wanted to give you guys first dibs :)



Welcome to our new stage crew members!  See below for the full list (it's also posted outside Ms. Cranmer's room)

Please complete THIS FORM as soon as possible and be on the lookout on this website for additional forms coming soon.

You will also be added to our ParentSquare group to get updates - some of them will not apply to you for awhile but I want to keep you in the loop!

Wizard of Oz Crew MS 2024.pdf

Costume & Dressing Room Information

Please read through the attached information from Ms. Leesa, our costume designer

Costume letter to parents.pdf

Musical Parent Form

If you didn't completed THIS FORM at the parent meeting, please do so ASAP!

Wizard of Oz Cast List .pdf

All recordings can be found on the Recordings subpage

*Current and future schedules can be found on the Rehearsal Schedule subpage of this site*