How It Works:


In September, every teacher will select at least one TDP Learning Experience from the choices below to complete during the first semester.

If you have participated in the same Learning Experience for multiple years, we encourage you to try something new. 


During an all-school faculty meeting in January, teachers will meet in small learning groups to share about their first semester learning experience. 


We will repeat steps 1 & 2 again for the second semester. 

*Faculty may continue with the same learning experience in the second semester or choose a new one.

TDP Learning Experiences Choice Board

Click on a box on the choice board to learn more about each experience.

Curriculum & Pedagogy

Gaining Perspectives

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

Shared Growth & Learning

Learning Through Observation

Classes, Conferences & Projects


Is TDP required?

Yes.  All teachers are required to sign up for a Learning Experience and participate in it by the time of the all-levels TDP meetings in January and May.

What is the purpose of TDP at Paideia?

Teaching is a rich and rewarding profession, but it is also a practice that can easily devolve over time.  If we do not consistently pursue growth as educators, we are vulnerable to settling into a way of doing things that feels comfortable and safe.  While those are not negative qualities, over time we can find ourselves in a rut: more set in our ways, less open to new ideas and developments in our field, less impactful with students, and less satisfied in our work.  Our Teacher Development Program serves primarily to create a structure around what we all know we need to do every year: try new things, learn from our colleagues, expand our understanding.  Because teaching can be an isolating profession--particularly in the older grades--TDP also provides an opportunity to connect meaningfully with other teachers and administrators at Paideia.  Connected teachers are happier teachers, and happier teachers do better work in the classroom.

How many Learning Experiences do I need to do?

You will complete one Learning Experience in the fall (Sept-Dec) and one in the spring (Jan-May).  Teachers may stay with the same Learning Experience both semesters or switch to a different one in January.

I completed my learning experience.  What do I need to do now?

There is nothing more to do except attend the all-levels faculty meetings where you will share about your experience.  You do not need to record your experience for us, but we do recommend that you take notes on your experience and reflections while it's fresh on your mind.

What is a learning group?

Every teacher has been assigned to a cross-levels learning group. The groups meet during the three all-levels TDP faculty meetings to share and reflect on learning experiences.

What if I can't attend the all levels TDP meeting in January or May?

If you must miss the all levels meeting, let the TDP Coordinators know. There will be an alternative activity to do on your own.

Can I choose anything I want for an Independent Project?

Yes and no.  While you are welcome to devise any plan that develops your practice, proposed Independent Projects will be vetted by the TDP Coordinators before being approved to ensure that the proposal meets the goals of TDP.

If I am new to Paideia and participating in Mentorship, do I still need to do a Learning Experience?

Yes. Since the TDP program is a great way to get to know other faculty members and the culture of Paideia, we ask anyone who works directly with students to participate in the program.

I don't teach any classes, but I'm still interested in participating in TDP.  Is this possible?

Absolutely!  We encourage all faculty and staff to participate.  Just let the TDP coordinators know so we can assign you to a learning group.

Is admin observation still part of TDP? 

Once every four years, every half to full-time faculty member will be observed by administration. At the start of the year, you will be contacted if it is your year to be observed. Although admin observations will still be managed by TDP, it is not part of the Learning Experiences. Learn more about admin observations here. 

If it is my year for an admin observation, do I still need to do a Learning Experience?

Yes.  Administrative observations are now separate from the TDP program.

Who do I contact if I have a question?

ile@p (Lacey Andersen, Amy Valk, and Kathy Washington) are the coordinators of the Teacher Development Program.  Reach out to them at any time.