Thank you for taking the time to recognize and applaud the success of ONE of your teachers by nominating him/her to become part of the Keystone Technology Innovator community. As you complete the nomination form, please consider that a Keystone Technology Innovator is someone who embodies the following:
What are Keystones? A Keystones Technology Innovator is a teacher who leverages technology innovation to enhance student learning. Nominate teachers who:
Engage students and encourage interaction.
Foster curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving.
Promote collaboration and create personalized learning opportunities.
Address diverse learner needs.
Utilize technology to achieve these outcomes.
Why Nominate? Nominees will...
Connect with over 3,500 innovative teachers across Pennsylvania
Access special grants, conferences, webinars, and more
Become part of a supportive community sharing resources and ideas
Thank you for taking the time to nominate a teacher in your building! Nominate now with the link below, OR watch our insider tips in the video clip below first.
Click the link button below to open and complete the nomination process in a separate window.
ONLY ONE PRINCIPAL PER BUILDING MAY NOMINATE A KEYSTONE (PER YEAR). The nomination deadline is February 10, 2025.
This year's Summit is July 21-25, 2025. Consider nominating a teacher willing to apply for and attend the Summit.
Nominations of KTI 2025 are OPEN!