Call for Proposals


Google says a NARRATIVE is "a spoken or written account of connected events; a story" but as visual arts educators we know that art can be a powerful vehicle to share narratives and tell stories. We know that art is a window to both our past and our present & that the art room can be a safe place to critically examine whose stories are told and who gets to tell them. As visual arts educators we have the privilege to support countless young people through their journey of self-expression, aiding them in finding their voice, communicating their ideas, and inspiring a whole new generation of narratives to make art that is also a window to our future. 

How do you address story-telling in your classroom? How do you interpret the word NARRATIVE? How have you addressed this with art-making or art-teaching? We invite you to submit a conference proposal to share your story, your best-practice, your best you! Sessions can be lecture-based, interactive, panel discussions, hands-on, etc. Proposals will open in March and close in June, but this is your chance to get a head start on planning! 

Never presented before? Email us at or! We all have something valuable to share; consider Pittsburgh 2025 being a safe place to try it out : )

IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline

June 13, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET 

Notification of Acceptance 

PAEA strives to notify members of the status of their submission as early as possible; you can expect notification by July 1, 2025. For inquiries, e-mail 

The PAEA State Conference brings together teachers, district and state administrators, preservice students, college and university professors, art museum educators, teaching artists, and researchers to build community and generate new insights into issues, research, and practices affecting visual arts and design education. 

Sessions proposed for review should encourage dialogue and debate on current and emerging issues and trends that contribute to advancing visual arts education. Proposals should be inclusive of diverse professional communities, respective of cultural identity, and provide a safe and supportive environment for all points of view. Successful proposals will put forth sessions that feature an interactive and participatory format encouraging discussion, reflection, and creative problem solving. 

Proposal Submission Guidelines

Step 1 - Complete the 2025 Session Template OR this template for the Research Poster & Social Session 

Individual Presentation Limit

Members may submit multiple presentation proposals for review. However, no member will be accepted for more than two presentations as lead presenter and no more than two presentations as co-presenter (excluding business meetings, divisional or regional functions, or a special presentation at the invitation of the PAEA Conference Consultant).



Use the checklist below to collect the details needed to compile your presentation proposal before submitting it online. Carefully consider the components that will be used by peer reviewers to assess your presentation. Additionally, pay close attention to the tips following the checklist. Please Note: All sections must be completed as instructed to ensure that your presentation is reviewed. 

This version of your presentation description is what will be seen by Convention participants in the printed program, the website, and mobile app. It will influence the attendance of your session. 

a. Statement of Purpose and Outcomes

State the purpose of the presentation and the anticipated outcomes. The purpose will communicate the intention or goals, and the anticipated outcomes will give details of what those attending can expect from the presentation. 

b. Organization of Content

Describe the content to be presented in a well-organized manner with a clear outline of the presentation. Include descriptive examples that provide supporting evidence such as, but not limited to, lesson or unit designs, narratives, exhibits or community events, etc. for the subject matter being presented—this will vary for the different presentation formats. 

c. Relevance of Topic

Include details about how the topic is relevant and makes a timely contribution to visual arts education issues and trends in the Division, Interest Group, or Area of Focus selected. 

d. Impact on Practice

Indicate how the presentation promotes best practice and provides an enriching professional development opportunity for attendees. 

e. Cultural Appropriation

Ensure that any / all references to cultural origins, images, and their implied meanings are used to inform societal practices and uses that avoid misinformation and perpetuating stereotypes. 


Select ONE of the formats in this category: 

Proposal Review Process

All proposals submitted for sessions are peer-reviewed and evaluated by members of the Proposal Review Committee. All proposals will be reviewed using a blind review process. In an effort to ensure state conference sessions are not repeated from year to year, the PAEA proposal review committee reserves the right to decline proposals that are a repeat of a session previously presented at a PAEA conference in the last five years. Notification of proposal acceptance/rejection will be sent via email by July 1, 2025. Please find below the scoring rubric used by the review committee and the points awarded for each:

Scoring Criteria: Click here for full rubric

Statement of Purpose and Outcomes: Is the purpose clearly stated and are the anticipated outcomes well-defined?

Organization of Content: Is the topic well-organized with a clear outline of the content to be presented using examples as supporting evidence such as lesson or unit designs, narratives, exhibits, or community events, etc. for the subject matter being presented?

Relevance of Topic: Does the topic make a relevant and timely contribution to issues and trends in visual arts education in the Division, Interest Group, or Area of Focus selected?

Impact on Practice: Does the proposal promote best practices and provide enriching opportunities for professional development?

Cultural Appropriation: How does the proposal promote best practices that guard against cultural appropriation by demonstrating an insightful, competent, and respectful approach to art education content?


If you have questions, contact Dana Attivo, PAEA Conference Consultant, at

Last day to submit proposals is Friday, June 13, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.