Learning by Teaching

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In Hands on Learning, students are given the opportunity to learn by doing things that interest them.

Whilst learning in isolation, students were able to see first hand the difficulties some families faced and wanted to do something that might help others in some way.

For this task, students were challenged to create a series of short videos designed to be viewed by preschoolers who are isolating at home.

The focus of this term's task is primarily to make links to the community but also to give the students' tasks a purpose and an audience to whom they can direct their efforts.

Remote learning 2020

In Hands on learning, students not only maintain a market garden style plot, they also learn heaps of handy skills like woodwork, metalwork as well as mechanical and automotive skills. They also do a lot of landscaping and land care projects.

Have a look at the gallery to see what they've have been up to.

Our students were challenged to tell some Dad jokes this week. This is what they came up with.


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