Paddock Wood Primary Academy


Mrs Fidock's news update

Thank you to everyone who has continued to follow the one-way system this week. We do understand that this is slightly inconvenient, but it's to help keep our community safe. We continue to do the same in school by wearing masks in communal areas, increased hand-washing and reducing assembly sizes. We are monitoring the situation daily and if necessary taking advice from Public Health England. We please ask that you continue to use a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) if your child develops symptoms. If the LFT is positive, please keep them off school and book a PCR test - we please ask that you keep your child off school until you have a negative PCR result - if the PCR is positive, you must keep your child off for 10 days.

Thank you for helping us keep you and your families safe, please do get in touch if you have any questions.


Helping Our School Community

We are proud of Andreea, Leia and Jacob from 4DP this week because they saw the play equipment trolley was in a mess and gave up their time to organise it. They have made labels for each section and volunteered to check it each day so the equipment is looked after.

Sienna, Jessica and Alathaea 6C

Look at the wonderful Inquiry books Y6 have produced. These show our Learner Profile Attributes and help us consider how we demonstrate these in our learning.

Curriculum corner

Each week we want to give you ideas to enable you to support your child at home with a particular aspect of the curriculum. Our subject leaders will be sharing hints and tips to help you along the way and will be offering further ideas and resources that you might like to access at home. This week our focus is....Languages


The European Day of Languages 2021

26th September is the European Day of Languages, a day when Europe celebrates the rich diversity of world languages spoken across the continent, and this year it’s the 20th anniversary. In our academy, we have several different languages spoken by families at home but did you know that in London schools, just 40 miles away, over 300 different languages are spoken?

Here at Paddock Wood Primary Academy we would like to contribute to the celebration and are planning a fun day for the children next week. We will be enjoying traditional stories from around the world, listening to music, learning greetings and a few basic expressions in different languages, and finding out about foods and customs. But to make it more meaningful, we would like to invite parents, family members and friends to become involved as well.

If you have family links with another country or have spent time living or working anywhere outside the UK, it would be lovely if you could spend a few minutes sharing some of your experiences with your child, so that they in turn can share with their class. Maybe you could help your child teach their friends how to say ‘Hello’, ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’? Or tell them what people generally eat for breakfast in those countries? If you moved here as an adult, you might like to talk about school life or favourite playground games. In past years the children have loved sharing language and lifestyle stories with each other, and with your help we hope to make this Languages Day a real celebration.

Ďakujem gracias merci شكرا хвала mulțumesc

ačiū آپ کا شکریہ obrigada grazie 谢谢你 bedankt teşekkürler நன்றி ďakujem dziękuję ci

and thank you!


Word of the Week


Swedish The act of waking up at dawn, and going outside just to hear birds chirping and singing.

Office Messages

No smoking on site

Please note that smoking is not permitted on the academy grounds, this includes Vaping.

After School Club bookings

Wherever possible please ensure sessions are booked in advance of the day to allow sufficient time to provide food for the children.

Secondary School Open Events

If your child is attending an open morning and will therefore be arriving late to school, please email the school office in advance via advising of their approximate arrival time and whether they are having a school meal or packed lunch.

ParentPay auto top up

ParentPay has the facility to set up an automatic top up when your account is low. If you would like to set up the auto top up function on ParentPay please follow the instructions found here.

Car Park

Can we please remind you that our car park is only to be used by Blue Badge holders and School Taxis at drop off and pick up. We will be monitoring this over the coming weeks.

Thank you.

Dates ahead

Some dates for your diary:

28.9.21: PTA Annual General Meeting 7pm PWPA Hall, all welcome

1.10.21: Harvest Festival - children only event in St. Andrew's Church.

15.10.21: PTA Autumn Disco - information to follow

20.10.21: Parents Evening for all via School Cloud

22.10.21: Last Day of Term 1

7.11.21: PTA Firework Event - details TBC

8.11.21: First Day of Term 2

17.11.21: Flu Vaccine - more information to follow

26.11.21: INSET Day, PWPA closed to all pupils

3.12.21: School Choir to Bligh Meadow for Demelza House

7.12.21: Pantomime

17.12.21: Last Day of Term 2 - early finish at 2pm for all children - no ASC.

Learner Profile Certificates this week go to:



You have consistently shown yourself to be a real thinker; this is already evidenced through progress in your reading comprehension skills, the quality of your writing and your mathematical reasoning.



Being a balanced and reflective learner across every subject. You work hard on every task to make it what it can be and show real enjoyment in your learning.



For showing good caring and collaboration skills, working well with others and helping out.


Alathaea and Jessica

A risk taking, creative approach to their inquiry work.



For being a balanced and reflective learner this week. You have given a great deal of thought to your work on different communities this week.



For showing that you are an excellent inquirer and communicator when researching and writing paragraphs about different religions.



For being a reflective learner this week. You have checked you are on the right track with your work and made adjustments when needed.



For being a real risk-taker in our gymnastics lessons and challenging yourself to come up with some very unique and interesting balances. Well done!



For being open-minded and taking on the ideas of others when working in a group to make rangoli patterns.



For being a risk-taker in his approach to maths and persisting with trying to figure out a really tough problem over the week.



For always being principled and caring by ensuring that the classroom is tidy and organised. Thank you Darcey.



For being extremely knowledgeable. You have explained how different types of rocks are made and have written some excellent observations in our experiments. Very impressive!



For showing good communication, caring and problem solving skills in our group work this week. You have helped your team to make a very informative and creative Stone Age tools poster.



George has been a brilliant thinker in maths this week! He has displayed super reasoning skills when explaining his answers. Well done!



For being a principled learner. You always try your best and display wonderful presentation in your books. Great job Zac!


Freddie Jenner

Freddie has been a deep thinker this week when solving maths problems and studying deforestation.



For being a reflective and communicative learner this week. You have been able to maturely discuss your feelings using our 'Colour Monster' story. Well done!



For being knowledgeable and knowing that capital letters are not just for the beginning of sentences.



For being a reflective learner. You recognised that you made a mistake and

went on to correct yourself. Well done




An absolutely amazing start to Year 6! You have shown a real determination to always do your best and challenge yourself in all areas of the curriculum. Well done Max - keep it up!



Fantastic effort and determination with your writing since the start of this term. You have taken your time to edit and improve your writing independently on your Chromebook and made sure that it was something that you were really proud of.



For a supreme effort with your times tables. You have really applied yourself this week and seen great success.



A persistent, inquiring approach to her maths - particularly with division.



For putting great thought and effort into your English work this week. Your diary entry was well structured and very engaging.



You have been working really hard this week to complete your daily checklist independently. Excellent effort, Mia! Keep it up!



For making a fantastic start on your diary entry. I was so impressed with the figurative language you have used.



For some fabulous work with negative numbers - you completed 4 sheets! Keep it up Hunter, we are so proud of you!



For always working hard, producing quality work in every lesson - you're a great role model!



For wonderful focus throughout the week, producing a creative report on digestion and showing excellent skills in Maths.



Your work is always presented to a high standard. You are always keen to ask questions and show resilience when challenging yourself with your Maths skills. Well done!



For a mature and principled approach to his learning this week, especially in maths. Well done Ryan, keep up the good work.



For being extremely hardworking this week. You produced an excellent set of instructions on 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' and presented this beautifully. Great job!



Jack has worked so hard with his writing this week. He has impressed us with his super diary entry, well done!



For showing great enthusiasm when reading and for trying hard to improve his handwriting in lessons. Well done Michael!



Isla has made exceptional progress in her writing in the last two weeks; it is now beautifully presented and interesting to read.



For working really hard this week and improving his listening skills. Well done!



For always showing respect to all adults and her peers.



Always asking questions and sharing your knowledge during class discussions.

Well done

Anya caroline reedman

Introducing Anya Reedman, Born 20/09/21 weighing 7lb 10oz. We send our huge congratulations to Mr and Mrs Reedman and their family on the safe arrival of Anya Caroline Reedman on Monday 20th September, they are still in hospital, but she is doing really well.

Our EYFS children have been busy helping to improve their environment. They have planted some bulbs and helped Mrs Donovan build a new sandpit. Click through the photos to see what they got up to...look at the concentration on their faces.

They followed the instructions and then used tools to complete the jobs.

To do this they had to demonstrate the following Learner Profile Attributes:

Thinker - We had to make decisions for ourselves to solve problems.

Communicator - We had to make sure we explained how we might do things to our friends.

Caring - We care about our environment and want to make it better.

Well done EYFS!

Parent/carer Drop in

Drop in and see Charlotte Gunning, Family Support and/or Louise Milligan, Inclusion Lead for a cup of coffee or tea and some biscuits this Wednesday at 9am in the Community Room. It is a great time to catch up with either Miss Gunning or Mrs Milligan and discuss any concerns or worries about your child. If you feel a more confidential or in depth meeting is needed then please contact the office to make an appointment.

Calling all Parents

  • Are you interested in understanding our PYP curriculum more?

  • Do you want to have a part in shaping our school?

We are looking for parents to join our PYP consultation group. If you are interested in finding out more please contact

Absence - coughs and colds

We have had a lot of children kept off school because of coughs and colds. Whilst we understand that children do get poorly with colds, once they are in school with all their friends, children often forget about any aches or pains and enjoy their day. Missing school can impact on a child's ability to settle and reach their full potential. We will always call you if your child is poorly and send them home if necessary.


Sleep is as important as diet and exercise for all children to stay healthy...but how much sleep should my child be having every night? This is what the experts say...

4 year olds need at least 11.5 hrs per night

5 year olds need at least 11 hrs per night

6 year olds need at least 10 hrs per night

7 year olds need at least 9.5 hrs per night

8-11 year olds need at least 9 hrs per night

Sleep enables children to grow and process their day which is so important for their physical, emotional and social development.

Establishing a good bedtime routine is key to your child achieving a successful nights sleep. If you need any advice or support with bedtimes or encouraging your child to sleep/develop good habits around bedtime,

Contact Charlotte on 07702 881387 or email:

One Way System

If you come through the Forest Road gate and you need to drop at EYFS/Y1 or Y3 please could you come through the top EYFS gate, through the EYFS playground and arrive opposite Y1. This will allow us to keep to a one way system, but you don't have to walk all the way round the school.

If you have children in Y5 or Y6 to collect - we please ask that you wait in the car park as previously arranged, so the area outside these classrooms is not blocked.

If you wait for your Y5 or Y6 child outside another year group - they will be sent around the building to meet you.

This system helps to keep things moving.