Paddock Wood Primary Academy


Mrs Fidock's news update

We have managed to fit a lot into this week. Year 3 and Year 4 had Road Safety Presentations from KCC and should now be able to tell you what dangers to look out for and where to cross safely. Our EYFS area is now finished and will start to be populated with little learners next week - the rest of the furniture is beginning to arrive and the classrooms really do look fantastic. The PTA AGM was very well attended last night, with a few new faces as well - thank you to all those that managed to attend and remember, once a parent you are an automatic member of the PTA. They are planning lots of wonderful events for this year, so please do help where you can.

Clubs have now been running for two weeks and it's been lovely to see all the children getting involved and enjoying their extra-curricular learning. Our new Art Room is up and running and classes have been in the space, taking full advantage of the new resources and space - we will post some of their creative pieces in the coming weeks.

Missing uniform continues to be raised by lots of parents. Please, please, please ensure all uniform items and coats are clearly named.

On Monday it's European Day of Languages, which we will be celebrating across the week to enhance our MFL and below are some new words you might like to try.

Have a lovely weekend.


This week we are really proud of...


The staff and children in EYFS deserve Proud@ this week. Our new little learners have settled brilliantly and it's lovely to see them finding their confidence and getting used to the routines and expectations. The staff have worked so hard on their new learning environment for our youngest children and they should be super proud of all their efforts.

Key Stage 1

Our Key Stage 1 team are all pretty new this year but you wouldn't know it. The energy and focus in all the classrooms has been brilliant and both the children and adults are ensuring consistency in both their learning and behaviour for learning. Well done everyone.

key stage 2

In Key Stage 2 the focus has been on getting back into the swing of things and on with learning. The children have all come back focused and are really maturing into their new year groups and the staff have been clear about their expectations and supporting children to reach these.

Well done.

Baby Morrison

Introducing the very lovely Esme Morrison born on September 5th. We all had a peek and cuddle this week on their first visit into school and her older brother was very proud to show her off. Congratulations to the whole family.

PTA Disco

A quick reminder about the PTA Disco on October 14th. Please remember to book your tickets asap to avoid disappointment!

Timings are:

Year 1 and Year 2: 2:15 - 3:00 (Bring a change of clothes) During school - collection from the class doors at 3:15pm

Year 3 and Year 4: 3:15 - 4:15 (Bring a change of clothes) Straight from school - collection from the class doors at 4:15pm

Year 5 and Year 6: 4:30 - 5:30 Drop off at the office and collection from the large hall fire doors.

Tickets on sale until October 12th - no tickets on the door.

The environment will be relatively dark with loud music; please do not send your child if they will not be comfortable. Fancy dress welcome – strictly NO masks

Dates ahead

Some dates for your diary:

7.10.22 PTA Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale

11.10.22 3TL to Dover Museum

12.10.22 3B to Dover Museum

14.10.22 PTA Autumn Disco Years 1 - 6

17.10.22 3L to Dover Museum

21.10.22 End of Term 1

6.11.22 PTA Family Fireworks event

7.11.22 Term 2 begins

9.11.22 Open Evening for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry 6:30 -8pm

11.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am

14.11.22 & 15.11.22 Pupil Photos

16.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

Nasal Flu Vaccination Year R to 6

25.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.00am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

20.12.22 End of Term 2

School finishes at 1:30pm (no After School Club)

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For displaying an inquisitive and knowledgeable attitude to her work and a principled approach to improving.



Being a fantastic communicator, showing care and creativity in your research into animal adaptations. You were open minded, taking on suggestions about how to make your work even better. Nice one Beatrice.



For taking a risk and communicating your new learning in an engaging and creative fashion. Keep up the focus and determination!



For demonstrating superb communication and social skills this week, working with his group to create a coordinated (and very complicated) series of dance moves. Well done Fraser :)



Amelia demonstrated caring and communication skills when she took it upon herself to help her peers without any instruction. This shows great character, Amelia. Continue to be an upstanding citizen and set a lovely example to those around you.



For being a risk-taker and really challenging yourself. You set your mind to something this week and showed that with the right attitude, you can achieve it! Well done.



For being a determined inquirer, working hard to find definitions of words in a French dictionary. Great work Freddy!



For being a real thinker in his maths - not only answering questions but also being able to respond to extra challenge,



For being a brilliant inquirer, always feeding his thirst for knowledge whether studying the digestive system or learning to order numbers to 10,000 - well done!



For being a principled and independent learner this week, showing great determination and enthusiasm to complete your work to a good standard. A fantastic start to Year 3.



For being a risk-taker and principled learner this week. You have made a huge effort to improve the pace of your work and you always make sure to present your work beautifully. Well done and keep it up!



For being caring and principled. You are always there to offer to tidy the classroom and help anyone who needs it. Well done!



For being a good communicator. You have been showing confidence in class to share your ideas with the class and your partner.



For your consistently fantastic approach to learning. You always make the right choice and show you are a principled and balanced member of the class. Well done!



For being a communicator this week! He has offered interesting arguments for our class debates, well done Isaac!



For being a reflective risk-taker by working hard on your Phonics and Reading both at home and in school. You have worked extremely hard to decode and blend different words. Well done!



For being a knowledgeable communicator when explaining her understanding of her reading texts and inquiries in class, especially Florence Nightingale.



For being a knowledgeable thinker. This week you have used your phonics knowledge to write some lovely facts about Florence Nightingale.




For displaying a principled and risk taking approach to the communication of her ideas and knowledge.



Your awesome attitude towards all of your work this week. Particularly when working independently on your inquiry work on adaptations of living organisms. Fantastic job Leighton.



For your expressive, engaging and emotive diary entry this week. Not only did it showcase your targets but your presentation was exceptional. Well done!



For using his inference and deduction skills this week whilst working on our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. Well done Harry :)



Jacob has shown creativity and originality in his writing. He was a risk-taker when he chose to extend his vocabulary beyond what was expected of him. Well done, Jacob.



For settling in so well in our class. Already you have been fully engaged with the lessons, sharing your thoughts and ideas. Welcome to 5M.



Working so hard in Maths and English skills this week. You have written fantastic descriptions of Grim Komissky’s bullying and worked independently to compare and order numbers up to 10,000.



For consistently high standards in everything that you have done this week - in Maths, Science and working on our floor book.



For setting herself and achieving high standards in Place Value learning and when responding to the Dictionary Challenge when learning new words - well done Bethany!



For excellent focus and achievement in maths this week. You are listening well to instructions and completing a good amount in the lesson. Well done Harold!



For an excellent effort in your writing this week. You wrote a beautiful Stone Age letter where you included adjectives and fronted adverbials with commas in the correct places. Great work!



For a lovely introduction to your story about the Stone Age Boy. You showed that you were a creative learner using your imagination. Well done!



For being able to regulate your emotions this week in class and on the playground. You have been able to share how you feel and recognise a way to get back to learning.



For being more responsible and making the right choices this week. You have been focused and have produced some brilliant work, particularly in geography. Keep it up!



For trying his best this week! He has come into school with a lovely smile each morning and worked hard in all areas of his learning. Superstar!



For always being a positive, kind and hardworking member of the class. You always try your best in every lesson. You are a fantastic role model for your peers. Well done!



For being enthusiastic and hardworking in his phonics. You always try your best! We are so impressed with your love of reading and application of phonics. Keep this up, well done!



Ollie you consistently work hard in all areas of our curriculum. This week you have contributed in depth to our class discussion by sharing wonderful knowledge.

First aid - head bumps

All parents received communication via MCAS earlier in the week. If your child bumps their head at school they will be given a coloured wristband (random colours). You will be notified by the office if this is more serious, however, if you see your child is wearing a wristband you might want to speak to your child or class teacher for more information.

Copy of Toolkit_online_issues_kent (1).pdf

Guidance for parents on Prevent from Kent County Council

Sen/pastoral drop in

Mrs Thorne and Miss Gunning will be holding a parent drop in on:


from 2pm - 3pm

This drop in is for any parent/carer that would like some advice/support with their child(ren).

If you can't attend this drop in our next drop in is Monday 10th October from 9am - 10am.