Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mrs Fidock's news update

As we welcome half-term we would like to say a huge well done to all the children for their excellent learning and progress. We continue to see the children articulate their learning, develop further resilience and foster excellent learning behaviours. Despite the cold weather, it's been another wonderful term with lots to celebrate. 

Attendance continues to be tracked carefully - particularly those children with less than 90%. We do understand that children get ill, but please ensure that they are in school everyday possible...and on time. If they are always 10/15mins late, this means they are missing this input everyday and across the year this is nearly 32 hours of learning!!! 

                                                                                   Attendance Year to Date     Module 1     Module 3

      EYFS (5+)   96%   ---------           96%

Year 1 94.6% 94.8% 94.2%

Year 2 94.3% 93.8% 95.6%

Year 3 94.6% 94% 96.2%

Year 4 93.4% 93.2% 93.7%

Year 5 93.8% 93.7% 94.1%

 Year 6     93.4%     93.4%     93.6%

As you can see, we are seeing improvements all the time in most classes. Thank you for all your support with this. 

Uniform: We do understand that things get lost and children grow (very quickly!), but please could we remind you of our uniform expectations:

PE Kit should be plain navy or plain black shorts/sweatshirt with a house coloured T-shirt. We are seeing more and more children in highly branded kit, multicoloured clothing or with slogans that are not appropriate. Please help us to keep to the uniform. 

School uniform includes: Black shoes (not highly coloured trainers), school tie, school jumper / cardigan - please ensure children are wearing their full uniform every day (unless they have PE). 

Jewellery: Only ear studs/watches should be worn in school and ear studs need to be removed for PE. 

We shared these areas of focus with you at the beginning of the year and we wanted to share an update: 

Challenge for All:  The children are now all having challenges in their learning. We have set challenges that they complete through their inquiry and in other books they will have either Challenge or Practice activities. By conferencing with the children about their learning, we are able to give them immediate feedback , so that they are able to address mistakes or improve their work quickly. See examples below.

Community: We continue to work with our community. We have raised money for Bereko and we continue to work with local charities and organisations to help our children understand the importance of supporting their community. We are also creating cultural links such as theatre trips, visits to Mascalls to watch productions. Lots more to come this year. 

Conferencing: This is when either adults and children or children and children have learning conversations. This might be within the lesson, or perhaps at the end of the lesson where learning conversations enable children to gain immediate feedback. This gives them responsiblity to improve their own work, with guidance and support. As parents, you will see this evidenced by the use of green pen. Adults mark in blue and then children edit and improve in green, when appropriate. 

CPD: We value professional development for all our staff. So far this year some of the training undertaken by  staff has included: Sensory Circuits, Drawing and Talking Therapy, Speech Bubbles, Read & Write, Maths Teacher Research Groups, Safeguarding, Prevent, Challenge for All, Writing Moderation, Leadership and many more. This training ensures that our practice is up to date and relevant and helps us to retain excellent staff. 

Conferenced work with child's editing in green. Y3

Challenge question (which has then been conferenced) where the child has then edited their learning to demonstrate their further understanding. Y6

Challenge in RE. Applying their knowledge and understanding to explain a concept. Y2


This week we are really proud of...

george 3be

George completed his Swimming Level 3 before Christmas and this week he received his badge and certificate.  He is now moving up to Level 4.  We are so proud of you George.

mia 3L

Mia won player of the match at her football game outside of school. Well done Mia; we are so proud of you.

Pottery Club

We are very proud of how hard the children have worked in this pottery club this term.  They have focused on attaching pieces of pottery together, using a range of pottery tools and how to mix primary colours together. 

Curriculum corner 

Each week we want to give you ideas to enable you to support your child at home with a particular aspect of the curriculum. Our subject leaders will be sharing hints and tips to help you along the way and will be offering further ideas and resources that you might like to access at home. This week our focus is.... Reading at home.

Reading at Home ~ LPPA

Reading at home

We thought it might be useful to give further guidance about reading at home with your child. These ideas will support you to question and model reading. Remember, this doesn't have to be every idea, every time you read - just pick one. 

We also cover these skills when we teach reading at school ( 4 times a week) and when we hear children read. 

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:

10.2.23  INSET day

20.2.23  Term 4 begins

1.3.23  Year 6 to Mascalls for 'Alice in Wonderland' production 1.00pm - 3.30pm

6.3.23 & 7.3.23  Class Photos

6.3.23 to 16.3.23  Bikeability for some of Year 6

30.3.23  Health and Care Careers Presentation for Year 5 and 6

31.3.23. End of Term 4 - school finishes at  1.00pm (no After School Club)

17.4.23  Term 5 begins

24.4.23 - 27.4.23  Plas Pencelli Residential Trip for Year 5

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For a superb effort in Maths and in Science. Your work has 

shown an effective application of knowledge and you have challenged yourself in all areas.



For your reflective approach to your Maths, you have worked hard to practise the arithmetic skills for Year 6 and show great knowledge and understanding of the calculation methods. Brilliant job Izzy!



For being an inquirer and challenging yourself with your Evacuation project. You have created an informative and engaging piece - even linking this to your home learning as well. Well done for your drive this week!


All of 5G

For showing great focus and determination this term.  Well done :-)



Manuela has put in a concerted effort to improve her reading and written work - this is evident in how much her English has improved :) I am very proud of you, Manuela.



For using critical and creative thinking skills to analyse problems and find a solution. You approach everything with initiative and you are happy to share your thoughts with the class. 



Fred has worked so hard this week with his spellings and his inquiry.  His book is beautiful and he has taken so much care and pride in the work he has produced.  We are all super proud of you Freddy.



For being an open-minded learner. You always ask great questions and are prepared to change your mind. 



For being an excellent communicator when writing about significant moments in his life, in Malala's life and in the life of Muslims - well done Teddy!



For an improvement in focus and determination to complete your work. You have also worked hard to improve your presentation skills, keep it up!



For a huge effort in your reading and writing. You have improved your pace and have tried hard to work more independently. Well done!


Jemima and Charlie

For your efforts in Design and Technology this term.  You both worked well in your group designing and building your junk model train together.  You communicated well and you were great problem solvers.  Well done! 



You have been a reflective learner this during our 'Beat the Flood' project. You tested your flood proof house and understood how you could of improved it. Well done!



For being knowledgeable when creating your flood proof house. You communicated well with your group and thought about how to make your house as protected as possible. Well done!



For being knowledgeable this week! He has contributed well during our class discussions and shared his understanding in a range of subjects. Super!



For being a knowledgeable communicator when creating an information booklet about The Inuit People. You enjoyed creating  the front cover and contents page and successfully used the facts you researched to create a fantastic non-fiction booklet. Well done!



You have shown your knowledgeable learner attribute this week by completing your Inuit information booklet with confidence and if unsure of a spelling you knew what to use to help you succeed and carry on independently. Thank you for your enthusiasm this week! 



Lillie this week you have been an open-minded thinker. Collaboratively you have researched the Inuit community. You have used your phonetic knowledge to create a leaflet all about Inuits. 



For bringing his own knowledge to our PYP learning, he demonstrated that he can be a good thinker and inquirer, too!



For being such a caring member of our class, she takes amazing care of our learning environment every day and she’s a kind friend to everyone. 



For becoming more balanced. He has come into school beautifully all week, something he has worked hard to improve. Well done Ralph!




For a wonderful piece of writing. Your evacuation letter is superb - full of

 wonderful vocabulary and emotion. You should be extremely proud of your work. 



For the fantastic progress you have made in Maths since the start of the year! You have worked like a superstar and the effort has all been worth it. Awesome work Caitlin!



For continuing to be a knowledgeable inquirer and producing wonderful home learning which showcased our inquiry this term. Well done!


All of 5G

For excellent work in Maths.  Keep up the good work!



Andreea has worked with care this week when working on her viking summary and recipe - she has put in effort to improve her spellings and ensured her work is always neatly presented. Keep up the good work, Andreea.



An excellent week, really applying yourself to the work across all subjects and showing an obvious pride in what you’ve done. Keep it up.  :-)



For your super attitude towards learning and the care and effort you put into every single piece of work.  Well done Lottie!



For all-round great work this week - you have really impressed us with the way you have approached lessons.



For consistently achieving high standards in Mathematics, reaching the Challenges and doing incredibly well in TTRS - well done Isabelle!



For writing a fantastic version of the Railway Children, filled with powerful descriptions and detail, well done Evie. 



For an excellently written story based on The Railway Children. You worked hard to include fronted adverbials, wonderful similes and adjectives. Keep it up! 



For your efforts in reading this term.  You have really tried hard, showing resilience. This can be seen in the excellent progress that you are making.  Keep it up - Well done!   



You have been a reflective learner during our 'Beat the Flood' project. You tested your flood proof house and understood how you could of improved it. Well done!



You have come into a new school, half way through the school year, at the end of term, in the middle of a unit of inquiry, and you have still managed to fit in seamlessly. You have settled very well and we are happy to have you.



For trying hard with his writing this week! He has built up his stamina to create a brilliant set of instructions. Well done Stanley!



For being a Phonics Superstar this week. You have been decoding and blending with increased confidence when reading aloud and have also been zooming through your Phonics flashcards every afternoon. I have loved hearing all the wonderful sentences you created using our sounds of the week. Keep up the FANTASTIC work Henley!



Whitney has achieved so much this week. I am so impressed with her positive attitude to her learning and persevering in phonetic tasks that she may find tricky. Well done Whitney you have taken pride and confidence in your achievements this week. 


Oliver and Leo

Leo and Oliver, you have worked collaboratively in our latest Science inquiry. I was very impressed with your enthusiasm when researching and retrieving facts about Arctic animals.  



For working so hard in class every day, she dedicates herself to being the best learner and person that she can be!



For working so hard to improve her reading and writing skills. We are all so proud of you. Keep up the good work.



For her dedication to her learning. She always gives her all and encourages those around her. What a great learner and friend you are Josie!

The Wellbeing Champions would like to share with you this month's wellbeing newsletter. 

Click on the picture on the left to open the book. (Use the arrow in the top left hand corner).