Paddock Wood Primary Academy


Mrs Fidock's news update

Next week Year 4 will be hosting our Harvest Fesival celebration at St. Andrew's Church and parents in Y4 will be invited to attend. All other classes will watch Year 4 in school on Wednesday and we will be collecting for the Community Storehouse. In order to be as benefical to the food bank as we can, we ask that each year group focuses on the following items, if at all possible:

EYFS: Biscuits - sweet / savoury

Year 1: Squash/ Fruit Jucie / Long Life Milk

Year 2: Coffee (Small Jars), Tea Bags (small packets), Hot Chocolate

Year 3: Microwave Rice / Microwave pasta

Year 4: Tinned: tinned peas/spaghetti hoops/ tinned ravioli / tinned fruit (no grapefruit or prunes please)

Year 5: Desserts: Sponge Puddings / Custard / Rice Pudding / Angel Delight / Jelly / Jam

Year 6: Household: Washing Up Liquid / Washing Powder / Shower Gel / Shampoo / Deodorant /

Toothpaste / Toilet Rolls

We can accept donations from Monday 3rd October and children can bring these into class. We will then sort and box up all the donations to take to the Community Storehouse on Monday 10th October. Thank you for anything you can give - this winter is going to be especially hard for some families and we can all help in this small way.

It's been getting colder this week - so please ensure your child comes to school with a coat (please ensure this is named).

We've also had a Whole School Review this week and it's been wonderful to hear all the comments from our 5 external reviewers - we will share the report with you once finalised, but needless to say, we are pleased that all the hard work of the last year has been recognised.


This week we are really proud of...

Henry 3TL

Henry completed his 6th Kup Tae Kwondo grading on Saturday. Henry had to perform a 24 move pattern and a 21 move pattern with a Master. He did brilliantly and we are proud to say he passed and last night was awarded his green belt. Wonderful news Henry - well done.

Office Messages

To help improve the return of lost items to their owners we are now introducing a box in the KS1 playground and another in the KS2 playground for all UNNAMED lost property. All named property should be returned to the child's class. Please ensure you name all items.

Dates ahead

Some dates for your diary:

7.10.22 PTA Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale

11.10.22 3TL to Dover Museum

12.10.22 3B to Dover Museum

14.10.22 PTA Autumn Disco Years 1 - 6

17.10.22 3L to Dover Museum

21.10.22 End of Term 1

6.11.22 PTA Family Fireworks event

7.11.22 Term 2 begins

9.11.22 Open Evening for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry 6:30 -8pm

10.11.22 Kent Fire and Rescue Assemblies

11.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am

Year 6 to PW War Memorial

14.11.22 & 15.11.22 Pupil Photos

16.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

Nasal Flu Vaccination Year R to 6

25.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.00am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

6.12.22 Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime

20.12.22 End of Term 2

School finishes at 1:30pm (no After School Club)

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For being a reflective learner this week, showing excellent thinking skills and application with her work, particularly her writing.



Going the extra mile within your inquiry work. You have been a focused and principled learner, communicating your ideas clearly and beautifully, even carrying out additional presentation pieces of writing.



Striving to achieve in all areas even when it is a challenge. You have been a risk taker, a clear communicator and a resilient learner! Keep it up!



For showing herself to be a knowledgeable thinker, sharing her thoughts and opinions about our class text and sparking debate in others. Well done Angelika :)



Nelly has demonstrated critical thinking skills when inferring information from texts and doing her religious research. You have worked well within your group and developed positive interpersonal relationships with your peers.



Showing such enthusiasm with your reading, reflecting on what you have been reading and sharing your thoughts.



Showing good self-management skills in PE when putting together and performing your balancing routine. You made really good decisions and did yourself proud.



For being a risk-taker in your learning this week. You have participated in everything - well done!



For being a wonderful inquirer keen to discover patterns that lie behind numbers and the reasons why certain liquids are bad for our teeth - well done Faye!



For really focusing on your learning this week and approaching tasks more independently.



For being a risk-taker this week and starting to write your Stone Age Story completely independently. It was also beautifully presented. Well done!



For showing a huge improvement in his handwriting this week. You are presenting your work well and showing that you are a reflective learner. Well done!



For taking a risk and creating a fantastic poster to protest against Chrissy taking the Bog Baby. Well done!



For your consistently fantastic approach to learning. You always try to help others and show you are a principled and balanced member of the class. Well done!



For being open-minded this week! He had some brilliant ideas of how Rosa Parks could have taken action during our inquiry sessions. Well done!



For being a risk-taker in Maths this week, You challenged yourself to work independently and produced some great work showing your understanding of part, part, whole. Keep up the AMAZING work!



For being a caring member of our class. Amelia can be seen helping her friends and bringing happiness to those around her. This week, Amelia has been a risk-taker by writing her version of Harry Potter and shared her work with the class enthusiastically.



For being a knowledgeable communicator. This week you have used your season knowledge during our seasons walk around the school. You communicated to your peers why leaves change colour during Autumn.




For applying himself with a principled and risk taking approach to his work, showing knowledge, resillience and pride.



Your amazing recall of facts about the early life of Charles Darwin. You accurately remembered important names and dates and included these within fully punctuated sentences. Nice one Luke!



For your detailed and well-communicated learning on adaptations and inheritance. You focused and produced a piece of work that looks engaging on our display.



For taking an active role in our inference and deduction sessions this week whilst working on our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. I’m very impressed Charlotte :)



Preston took initiative this week when he used great manners by holding the door open for a group of learners. He did this without instruction and not knowing anyone was watching. You are an upstanding citizen, Preston.



Always paying attention and being engaged with our classroom discussions, frequently contributing thoughtful and worthwhile ideas.



Fantastic writing summarising the events of the Broccoli Boy using fronted adverbials. You really made sure to improve the quality and quantity of your work - keep it up!



For superb work in Maths all week - you have worked so hard and really shown how well you understand place value.



For showing discipline and determination when confronted with mathematical problems to solve and scientific investigations to conduct - you are consistently putting 100% effort in - well done!



For showing a very good understanding in Maths this week and clearly explaining your reasoning when solving problems.



For starting to write an excellent Stone Age story. You have included an impressive, gripping start and fronted adverbials with commas. Great job!



For your hard work in Maths this week. You have worked hard to grasp the concepts of place value, showing that you are a principled and reflective learner. Well done!



You have been a good thinker this week in class! You are always willing to share your ideas and answer questions even when they are tricky!



For showing better confidence in class and trying hard to get involved in group and pair work, always making sensible choices. You did a great job creating items to take action for our class protest!



For trying his best this week. He has come into school with a lovely smile and worked hard in all areas of his learning. Superstar!



For settling so well into 1E and quickly becoming a fantastic member of the class. You always try your best and challenge yourself in all aspects of your learning. I have been blown away by your reading and the great effort you put into your writing. Well done!



For making great use of your thinking and inquiry skills and applying this to promote the love of reading in our class. You have also been a knowledgeable learner in Maths demonstrating your understanding on part-part-whole models.



This week you have showed an increase in confidence during class discussions. You have been a great communicator retelling the story of Lila and the Secret of Rain.

Paddock wood family fireworks

Don't forget to buy your tickets for the Paddock Wood Family Fireworks.

Tickets can be purchased from Monday 3rd October at:

lost property

We have a Lost Property Black Bin on Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds for any uniform items that have lost their owner... so please go and have a look if your child has mislaid anything.

parent/carer drop in

Our next parent/carer drop in will be on Tuesday 18th October at 9am -10am. Please do pop by if you have any SEN or other concerns about your child. We have forms that can be picked up from your class teacher that would be useful to fill in before dropping in.