Paddock Wood Primary Academy
Mr page's news update
We continue to monitor attendance closely. Please remember that all children need to attend everyday unless they are poorly. Below is the overall attendance to date for each year group - please help us improve these for the remainder of the term and into the New Year.
EYFS - 95.3% Year 1 - 96.6% Year 2 - 96.5%
Year 3 - 96.1% Year 4 - 96.1% Year 5 - 94.6% Year 6 - 96.8%
We expect a target for 98% for all year groups. Let's see how many year groups can get there! If you are struggling and would like some support from our brilliant Family Liaison officer please contact
It's beginning to feel a little festive...with nativity rehearsals, carols echoing around the school and the odd bit of glitter starting to creep into our daily lives. We know that for some families Christmas is going to be a struggle - so we would like to suggest the following ideas:
rather than giving individual Christmas cards to each child, perhaps just do one for the whole class - homemade is wonderful
you don't need to buy a new Christmas jumper - wear a favourite top and add some tinsel or home-made snowflakes
if you need a costume for the nativity - either make a homemade one - or speak to school staff if you are finding it tricky
We want you and your family to enjoy Christmas and don't want to add any pressure - if we can help in any other way, please let us know.
It's been lovely to invite parents to the school, specifically to look at our wonderful Early Years provision. It was fantastic to receive lots of positive comments about our children and the school. We really are proud of how well all children represent Paddock Wood and conduct themselves on a daily basis.
Thank you to Mrs Dedman for sending us this beautiful picture of the school field taken early one morning last week. We are very lucky our school has such amazing surroundings for the children to enjoy!
This week we are really proud of...
esther 4J
Esther was awarded Film Maker of the Week for her contribution to her Film and TV group session, at PQA Performing Arts Academy. Well done Esther, we are so proud of you!
sophie 4DP
Sophie played her first rugby event for Tonbridge Juddians last Sunday. She loved it so much, her coach even called her a machine! Well done Sophie, we are so proud of you!
Please see poster for online parent workshop: supporting your child with worries and fears.
Tuesday 28th November
Coffee and chat
Hello, I am Sam Chapman, your new Family Liaison. It would be great to meet you and I am going to be holding regular coffee and chat mornings on a Tuesday, straight after drop off, in the Wellbeing room by KS1 Playground. This could be a great opportunity to have a chat about any concerns and have guest speakers from organisations you would like to know more about, so come along for a tea, coffee and a biscuit. Hope to see you soon!
Office Messages
One of our uniform suppliers, Brigade, are offering a Black Friday discount again this year. 10% discount online from Friday 24th November to Monday 27th November. Please use the promo code BLACK10 during checkout.
Dates ahead
Some dates for your diary:
27.11.23 Crossing Oceans Workshop Year 1
28.11.23 2T, 1T and 3TL Library visits
29.11.23 Astrodome Visit for Year 5
2WR Library Visit
30.11.23 Fossils Workshop Year 3
3BE Library visit
1.12.23 2L and 1P Library visit
Rocksteady Music Assembly and Workshops for Year 4 & 5
5.12.23 Pantomime for whole school
8.12.23 1E Library visit
12.12.23 Nasal flu vaccinations
EYFS Christmas Performance 9.30am
KS1 Christmas Performance 2.00pm
13.12.23 Christmas lunch - Children may wear a Christmas jumper or Christmas accessories with their normal uniform if they wish.
14.12.23 KS1 Christmas Performance 9.30am
EYFS Christmas Performance 2.00pm
15.12.23 KS2 Christmas Church Service
End of Term 2 - 1pm finish - no After School Club
2.1.24 Inset Day - children not in school
3.1.24 Start of Term 3
Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:
For showing perseverance and good thinking skills with his writing. You have communicated your ideas and shown that you are able to reflect upon your work to improve.
For settling in brilliantly this week, you’ve got stuck into all of your learning and shown great determination to present your learning in creative ways. Nice one Riya.
For being knowledgeable this week. You have worked hard in our assessments and have recalled information about the outbreak of the war when writing your newspaper. Well done!
For demonstrating superior self management skills during lessons. Isabelle’s behaviour for learning has been exemplary, she is always listens well, is very well organised and prepared. A wonderful example to others.
Tommy has worked exceptionally well this week and shown his true dedication even on the harder challenges. His painting of the Solar System has some brilliant gradient tones and I cannot wait to see it all finished with dot art too!
For using your thinking skills and applying them to solving maths problems. You did really well in the tests this week, but especially on the problem solving paper. Well done!
You have been amazing this week Vitor. You have shown us you are a thinker; you were so focussed in the tests this week and really worked hard. You were also really caring, taking responsibility to organise the classroom after our art lesson. We are really proud of you! Well done.
Alfie's principled approach to learning has been evident this week. He consistently demonstrated responsibility and made commendable choices when tackling tasks. Alfie's commitment to making good decisions reflects his integrity as a learner, setting a positive example for his peers. Keep up the excellent work, Alfie!
For being a deep thinker, taking responsible action on complex problems in Maths - well done Elliot!
For being a fantastic inquirer this week and using artefacts from the past to find out how people lived. You have worked hard in all areas of the curriculum this week.
George W
For your amazing resilience this week and being a reflective learner. You have really tried your best, giving all areas of your learning your best go. We are so proud of you, keep up the amazing effort.
For being a resilient and principled learner. You always have a positive attitude towards your learning and even when you find things tricky, you try to find a way to succeed, demonstrating great perserverance. Well done!
For being strong and brave this week. Even when you weren't feeling your best, you carried on with your work and for that I am so proud of you!
For being so caring this week! She is always considerate of others and their feelings, taking time to help others whenever she can. Well done Iris!
You have been knowledgeable and a good communicator this week, sharing your sewing skills and supporting your friends with this tricky task. Thank you for being a great class helper!
For being a fantastic communicator and risk-taker this week. We have been busy preparing for our Christmas performance and everyday I have been able to rely on you to be leading by example when learning and singing all the songs.
Keep up the magnificent work Jake. You have been a superstar this week!
For perseverance and determination in your application of questions marks in this week’s English writing focus. You have also shown that you are consistently a principled learner and a role model to others in making positive choices and including all class members. Well done Oscar, it is a pleasure to see this.
Archie this week you have been a knowledgeable thinker. You have applied your knowledge on question marks to your work whilst thinking of some thoughtful questions to ask Lila. Keep up this amazing work!
For brilliant Skellig writing. You communicated some truly imaginative ideas, not only in content but in presentation too. A wonderful piece of work. Well done Tyesha.
Josh V
For representing the school brilliantly at the LAT swimming gala earlier this week. You reached the finals for the team race and we are really proud of you!
For working hard this week with your writing and showcasing through our assessments how much progress you have made, fantastic work on with spellings.
Teddy has shown that he is always willing to take part in class discussions and share his excellent ideas in a thoughtful and considered way. An excellent example to others.
For always being a truly principled member of 5H, a keen learner and this week he has shown that he is very respectful to others learning. Archie's maturity and willingness to succeed has been amazing throughout this week! Keep it up
For a fantastic result in the reading test this week. You really showed a firm grasp of inference to answer some of the harder questions. Well done!
Jimmy we loved how you worked so independently this week. You have been so grown up and loved that you were so proud of what you achieved. Keep it up!
James has exhibited a determined effort to enhance his written work this week, showcasing a commendable commitment to improvement. His enthusiasm for delving into our science topics with eagerness further underscores his dedication to learning. James's hard work and positive attitude make him a standout student. Well done, James!
For taking pride in her written work especially in her story writing and character descriptions - well done Anna!
For a fantastic start to your diary entry. You have included plenty of exciting vocabulary and a range of sentence starters. You are trying hard to keep your writing and presentation neat, well done!
For your beautiful writing in English. You have made an excellent start to your diary entry, thinking carefully about your choice of sentence openers and adjectives to excite your reader. It has been a joy to read so far, keep up the great learning!
For a lovely piece of diary writing describing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. You really worked hard to add detail to your sentences and used your phonics to help sound out the trickier words. Well done, a great effort!
For producing lovely work this week! You have shown huge improvement in your writing and your attitude towards your work is so positive. Well done Kirush!
For working so hard with his reading this week! It has been a pleasure to hear Frank eagerly ask to read with an adult each day. Well done Frank, keep up the reading; you are doing brilliantly!
We are really impressed with your bauble design this week. You have listened carefully to the design criteria to create a well thought out idea of your own. We can’t wait to see the finished product!
For your fantastic perseverance and resilience when completing your phonics tasks this week. You worked hard to decode and blend a variety of words independently. Keep up the WONDERFUL work Archie! I am so proud of you!
You have shown great confidence in class presenting ideas and objects to your classmates and your open-minded participation in PSHE has been a delight. You have shown good communication skills with all the class and adults too! Well done Max, keep this up!
Isla you are a caring member of 1T who always tries her best. You show great respect for our classroom environment and can always be relied upon to consistently make the right choices.