Paddock Wood Primary Academy


Mrs Fidock's news update

We have finally reached half-term and after nearly 8 weeks of learning we think the children have all earned this break. So much learning has already taken place and it's been lovely to see the classes settle back into the routine of school. Thank you for all your support and help this term - it's much appreciated. We have already had so many trips, visits and sports events - which have all added to the learning for these children. How many Year 6's can say they've worked with an Electron Microscope!?!

When we get back on Monday 7th November, we are straight into our Open Events for children starting in EYFS in September 2023, followed swiftly by the festive sparkle that won't yet be mentioned! We know that this year families will be tightening their belts with the increase in fuel costs and general cost of living - but please don't forget that we are here to support you. We are a community which means we support one another - so don't suffer in silence, please reach out and we will do whatever we can to help.

Don't forget to book your tickets to the PTA Firework Event (Sunday 6th November) - it really is a family friendly evening of fun - in a safe environment.

Please have a lovely half-term and we'll see you on the 7th.


This week we are really proud of...

These 3 children for designing our new House Logos. We have used the words from Swahili for Earth (Red) / Ardhi, Sea (Blue) / Bahari and Grass (Green) / Nyasi . These have then be digitalised for us to use in and around school. Well done to Amelia, Leo and Jessica - your designs will now be part of Paddock Wood's history.

Amelia 5M

Leo 5M

Jessica 6s

layla 2P

Layla took her first ever NATD dance exam for her dance school, The Dance Studio, on Saturday 15th October. She did really well despite her nerves and was even brave enough to go first! Well done to Layla - we are so proud of you!

noah 6j

Noah undertook his Karate grading and successfully passed, meaning that he is now a Blue Belt. We're really proud of the dedication Noah has shown to his weekly Karate classes. Well done Noah - this is such an achievement and we're so proud of you!

Matthew 4T

Matthew received his Learn to Swim Stage 3 certificate and badge this week. He now has lessons in the deep end of the teaching pool and is growing in confidence every lesson. Congratulations Matthew - we are so proud of you!

Amelia 2T

Amelia has completed her gold award for 2nd Paddock Wood Rainbows - the only one in her group to do so far! Here she is with her leader Rebbecca. What a fantastic achievement Amelia and look at all your badges. We are so proud of you!

Things to do this 1/2 term in Kent

Each week we want to give you ideas to enable you to support your child at home with a particular aspect of the curriculum. Our subject leaders will be sharing hints and tips to help you along the way and will be offering further ideas and resources that you might like to access at home. This week our focus is.... places to visit. We'd love to see what you get up to this half-term so take some photos, draw a picture or write a review to share with your class when you get back!

Dover Museum & Bronze Age Boat The fascinating story of the development of the town and its famous port. The Bronze Age Boat, telling the story of the excavation and preservation of this 3000 year old Dover Boat, the world’s oldest known seagoing boat. The gallery also explores major themes of the Bronze Age. Free Entry

Best Things to Do & Days Out In Kent:

Charles Dickens Great Expectations Trail in Rochester Guildhall Museum This half term take a trip back in time to Victorian England with the Charles Dickens Great Expectations Trail! Follow Dickens' pet, Grip the Raven, to find clues that will reveal the characters and story of this beloved Rochester-based classic. Plus you can discover your own Dickens character name! There's also an eye-spy trail available for the under-5's, so we know this experience will be loved by the whole family... and with free admission and just £1 for the trail, this is a fun but fascinating day out that won't break the bank!

Walks in Kent:

Office Messages

From the end of today, Friday 21st October, ParentPay will no longer be available to parents. From the start of Term 2 all payments and bookings will be made via MCAS (MyChildAtSchool). We will be working to transfer any credit balances from ParentPay to MCAS and hope that bookings for Breakfast and After School Clubs, aswell as payments for school meals will be available to parents on MCAS from 8am on Monday 31st October. We will send an announcement via MCAS to confirm this nearer the time. As always, all meals must be paid for in advance, and Breakfast and After School club places must be booked and paid for in advance. These clubs are now extremely popular and running at maximum capacity - please book in advance to avoid disappointment, you can amend bookings up to one day before. We are unable to accept any bookings or cancellations on the day. Please see club terms and conditions on the website for more information.

Please can we also remind you that should your child have diarrhoea or vomiting please ensure they stay home for a minimum of 48 hours following the last episode.

Dates ahead

Some dates for your diary:

6.11.22 PTA Family Fireworks event

7.11.22 Term 2 begins

9.11.22 Open Evening for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry 6:30 -8pm

10.11.22 Kent Fire and Rescue Assemblies

11.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am

Year 6 to PW War Memorial

14.11.22 & 15.11.22 Pupil Photos

15.11.22 Parents Evening (Online)

16.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.30am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

Nasal Flu Vaccination Year R to 6

17.11.22 Parents Evening (Face to Face)

18.11.22 Freshwater Theatre Company visit for Year 1 - please make payment via MCAS

25.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.00am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

6.12.22 Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime

13.12.22 Christmas Performances - EYFS 9.30am, KS1 2.00pm

14.12.22 Christmas Lunch

15.12.22 Christmas Performances - KS1 9.30am, EYFS 2.00pm

20.12.22 End of Term 2

School finishes at 1:30pm (no After School Club)

A polite message for parents:

When dropping off and picking up your children please can you wait away from the classrooms. We appreciate you want to arrive promptly to collect your children but it is very distracting having the noise of conversations and siblings and adults peering into the classrooms.

Huge thanks in advance for your support with this.

Help for households

The Government has launched the 'Help for Households’ scheme. The homepage brings together over 40 support schemes that the public can access, depending on eligibility, including help with:

  • Household costs

  • Energy Bills

  • Childcare costs

  • Income support

  • Transport costs

Additionally, a range of online tools will help you quickly and efficiently check the support you might be eligible for and how to access it. The website is here

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For having a knowledgeable, reflective approach to her learning - in particular her writing which has been full of well communicated ideas and a concerted effort which has shown real perseverance and risk taking. Nice one Daisy!



Being a principled and balanced learner, no matter the task, you put in maximum effort and take pride in everything that you do. Awesome job Sarah.



This week you have shown a principled and risk-taking approach to your learning. The positive attitude and effort has shown in your outcomes - well done!



Emme has put a great deal of time and effort into her work on news articles this last few weeks, and has shown herself to be an effective communicator and having great thinking skills.

Brilliant work Emme, well done :)



Maddie has worked with focus and care this term which has resulted in a very high standard of work. She communicates well with her peers when working in groups and has shown great leadership qualities. Keep up the fantastic effort next term, Maddie :) Well done.



For showing resilience. Despite being unwell at the start of the week, you came back and just got on with everything. Well done Layla.



Charlie is a principled learner. He has continued to work all term with a conscientious attitude towards learning. We are super proud of you Charlie.



For being a real thinker in Maths this week - you took a new piece of learning and applied it perfectly!



For being a principled learner acting with integrity and honesty as she considers how we can best lead a healthy lifestyle - well done Roshni!



For making the classroom a wonderful learning environment for everyone. You are helpful and encouraging to all and a pleasure to have in the classroom.


All of 3L

For being principled learners on our school trip to Dover Museum. You listened attentively and impressed me with your knowledge and enthusiasm about the Bronze Age. Well done on a brilliant trip!



For your perserverance this term. You have listened carefully and tried your best in all subjects. Well done!



You have been a risk taker this week! Attempting new skills throughout our inquiry lessons and working on new exciting projects.



For being a caring and principled member of the class this term. She has consistently shown her dedication to learning and always presents a good example to others.



For being principled this week! She wrote a fantastic 'I Have a Dream' speech, encouraging others to make the right choices when saving our planet. Well done Bella!



For being a risk-taker in Maths by independently exploring and choosing an efficient method to show your knowledge of number bonds.



For being a risk taker in participating in class discussions and contributing more and more. We are so pleased to see you become a more balanced and confident learner.



Lillie you have been a balanced risk - taker this week. You have been a determined independent worker, who has produced lovely work throughout the week.



Max & Chrissy

For maintaining a well kept Year 6 area since the first week of term, displaying a caring attitude for their learning environment without any prompting. Keep it up lads!



The sheer effort and attention to detail in your Inquiry work on inheritance. Rather than bringing in photographs, like everyone else, you chose to carefully paint pictures of some of your family members. Nice one Lola!



You completed an engaging and detailed inquiry. The outcome is a tremendous Inquiry piece which you should be very proud of!



For the fantastic effort she put into editing and improving her English work this week. You organised your work into effective paragraphs and used fronted adverbials along with a range of sentence types in your work. Most impressive :)



With her 'always ready' attitude and positive approach to her work, Leia has grown from strength to strength this term. She has achieved full marks for all her spelling tests, which shows her dedication towards her school work. Well done, Leia :) keep up the great effort next term.



For excellent and thoughtful contributions to our work on personification this week. Your figurative language is really improving. Well done.



For producing consistently high quality pieces of work throughout the term. Well done Isla.



You have worked hard and produced consistently excellent work all week. Well done!



For making steady progress in his Maths, and for giving his written work more care and attention as he seeks to push himself further in these subjects - well done Alfie!



For taking a risk in lessons and participating more in whole class discussions. You are becoming a more confident learner, well done.



For writing a superb, beautifully presented set of instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth. You included fronted adverbials and imperative verbs.

Great job Neve!



For working really hard on your writing this term, you are listening carefully and applying what you have learnt to your writing. Well done!



You have worked really hard in class this week. You have made sure to complete all your work to the best of your ability.



For showing a massive improvement in focus and trying your best in every lesson. You have shown over the last few weeks, and throughout the term, that you are capable of managing yourself very well.



For always being caring and considerate. She strives to help others and is a positive role model to others. Superstar!



For your wonderful creativity. You have embraced all our Art tasks this week and created a wonderful Autumn painting showing your knowledge of colour mixing.



For showing kindness and care to others whilst also nurturing your own wellbeing. You have shown yourself to be a reflective and balance learner this week. We are proud of all the achievements you've achieved.



This week you have been confidently contributing during our class discussions. You have also independently made up a story ‘The Lost Panther’ which included a beginning, middle and end.

pta updates and events

For all parents wanting to keep up to date with in-school related PTA events, please join our closed PTA group on Facebook.

Just answer a few questions so we can make sure that the group is right for you, then you are good to go!

Pta half term activities

The PTA have organised some fun activities for your children over the half term!

We have a Pumpkin Carving Competition which is open to all pupils of Paddock Wood Primary Academy – carve your pumpkin, take a picture pay £1 (plus platform fees) via WWW.BIT.LY/PUMPKINS22 and send your picture to to be in with a chance of winning a prize goody bag! The best 6 pumpkins from each year group will be put into a prize draw to find the winner. Deadline for sending in your photos by e-mail is 1st November 2022. We’ll also share the pictures on our closed Paddock Wood Primary PTA Facebook page:

And for EYFS and KS1 children, you should have all received the sheets and instructions for your children to design some Christmas artwork which can be transferred onto personalised cards, gifts and keepsakes. Artwork should be completed and returned to school (either your child’s teacher or the office) no later than Wednesday 9th November. We’ll then send information out on how to view and order your gifts!

We hope you enjoy these activities over half term. All activities run by Paddock Wood Primary PTA help us to raise money to fund extras to enrich pupil’s education and environment, some examples of what we have funded are play equipment for each playground, new sound and lighting equipment for school performances, KS2 role play equipment, pond cleaned and available to support learning and the annual pantomime.

Thank you for your continued support.

Paddock Wood Primary PTA