Paddock Wood Primary Academy
Mrs Fidock's news update
Despite Covid wiping out a good proportion of staff, we have had another busy learning week. There have been online history talks, Young Voices and we've shown some Governors what and how we learn. We were also visited by another Dog Mentor this week - Willow - who then enjoyed having a tour of the school and meeting Lola.
Don't forget the Valentine's Disco is coming up - please see last week's newsletter to book your tickets or contact the PTA. Next week we have the first of our visits to the National Rail Centre in Margate, to learn about how trains work, how the network is organised and how they train staff - we know Year 3 are going to have a lovely time, and they get a ride on a train to Margate as part of their experience!
As the Teacher Strikes loom, we will be writing to you today to explain what this means for us at Paddock Wood - so please keep an eye out on Announcements in MCAS so we can ensure you have all the information you need.
Have a lovely weekend - it's going to be cold, but sunny!
This week we are really proud of...
Kelsie 6c / Jonah 6s
Kelsie and Jonah took part in an Athletics Decathlon Competition on Sunday 15th January at The Stour Centre in Ashford. Both of them did extremely well with Kelsie taking 2nd place for the U11's girls on the day. Also Kelsie and Jonah have now been selected for the Kent Team to compete in the Regional Finals which take place in February. We are proud of both of them for their hard work and the amazing achievement of being selected to represent Kent.
Well done to you both, we are so proud of you.
Young Voices Choir
We are so proud of the choir for their performance at Young Voices. They completed the rehearsal with boundless energy. They waiting patiently for the peformance - sitting with another 8500 to have their picnic tea. Their performance was sensational and we are so proud of them for being such an amazing choir.
Reading corner
Each week we want to give you ideas to enable you to support your child at home with a particular aspect of the curriculum. Our subject leaders will be sharing hints and tips to help you along the way and will be offering further ideas and resources that you might like to access at home. This week our focus is.... Reading
heres the impact of reading 20 minutes per day!
A student who reads
20 minutes per day
will be exposed to 1.8 MILLION words per year.
It's really important that as adults we model to children - so be it reading the paper, reading a book, recipes, magazines, they need to see us read. We asked parents on Facebook about the book they would like to share with their child and it was wonderful to get so many responses - narrowing it down to just one wasn't easy! We will be putting up a display of these books in school to share with the children the books their parents love.
As part of home learning each week, we ask children (in all year groups) to read at home. This might be to an adult, or it might just be 20 mins to themselves on the sofa, but we please ask that this does happen daily if possible, but at least 3 times a week.
Dates ahead
Some dates for your diary:
26.1.23 3L to National Rail Centre, Margate 8.30am - 3.45pm
EYFS & Y6S Face to Face Parents Evening 3 - 6pm
2.2.23 3TL to National Rail Centre Margate, 8.30am - 3.45pm
3.2.23 Valentine's Disco for Years 1 to 6 (details below)
7.2.23 3BE to National Rail Centre, Margate 8.30am -3.45pm
9.2.23 End of Term 3
10.2.23 INSET day
20.2.23 Term 4 begins
Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:
For some excellent work in Maths this week. It looks like everything has ‘clicked’ and you are able to apply your knowledge and understanding when calculating and reasoning.
Your improved confidence and accuracy within your Maths work this term. I am incredibly impressed by the progress you have made; you are an absolute superstar.
All of 6S
For being extremely positive with your learning and cooperative with different teachers this week. Your attitude has been something to be proud of.
For showing perseverance and determination this week working to improve his presentation and handwriting skills. Keep it up Gary!
Sebastian has been an inquirer this week when he showed curiosity and did independent research of the Vikings and brought very useful facts when we started our new novel, The Viking Boy. Well done, Sebastian :)
For being balanced in your approach to life. You have a variety of interests and you always give an impressive commitment to them. Keep doing this, as you will reap the benefits.
Bluebelle has been a really principled and caring learner this week. She has shown great concentration and ensured her work is finished to a high quality. Well done Bluebelle, we are really proud of you.
For being a balanced learner this week. You managed to balance your desire to produce great quality work and the need to finish in time. Well done!
For being a careful thinker when trying to solve number problems linked to multiplication and division, and when writing about inequality - well done Alexis!
For setting a wonderful example to others by being calm, positive and focused on your work. You are a wonderful member of the class.
For coming into school with a positive attitude. You have helped with jobs across the school and have managed to complete Maths and English tasks each day. Well done!
For having such a lovely positive attitude in your approach to learning. Despite the fact that you have injured your knee, you have tried to join in with everything possible, showing a cheerful attitude at all times. Well done!
This week you have been a great communicator. You have asked questions about your learning and challenged yourself to find out the information you need. Well done!
For being a risk taker recently. You have tried your best to get involved and share your knowledge in every lesson, and you have shown you are principled by always making the right choices. Keep it up!
For being so knowledgeable! He has shared his understanding of money, helping to recognise coins and find totals. Well done Stan!
For being a knowledgeable communicator when researching if herbivores and carnivores have the same teeth.
Keep up the amazing work!
What a wow week of Charlie showing as many learner attributes as possible. Anything and everything from caring, to being a great communicator and sharing his understanding was demonstrated. We were delighted with his enthusiasm in English this week with ‘Peter and the Wolf’.
Freya this week you have been a reflective thinker. It has been lovely to see you sharing your computing knowledge during our class discussions. You worked collaboratively with a peer and used your keyboard knowledge to write sentences which included adjectives describing a bear.
For embodying an excellent learner, Laethan tries his best in all areas of his learning and brings his best to school each day.
For caring about others; Amelia donated her pocket money to our snack fund to ensure everyone in Early Years would have access to a snack!
For beautifully showing her thinking skills everyday. She loves learning new things and is demonstrating this with her great effort in reading!
Edie & Jackson
Some terrific work this week for your WW2 news report. Your writing showed great knowledge on how to expand your writing and challenge yourself. The finished piece also looked amazing. Well done.
For your fantastic model of a World War Two half jeep; you documented the design and construction process brilliantly using book creator and showed skill using a wide range of tools.
For working hard in English lessons this week working to edit his creative writing and make it more effective using figurative language techniques. Fantastic work Fraser, I’m really proud of you:)
Bay used her impressive drawing skills to create a unique and inspiring piece of art when we looked at Banksy graffiti. Her creativity went even further when she produced an incredibly detailed and descriptive narrative of a mystical planet - her use of similes, metaphors and personification truly brought her ideas to life. Well done, Bay :)
For a great first week. You settled into the class really well from the very first day and it already feels like you’ve always been with us. Welcome!
For working really hard to complete his work to the best of his ability - the quality of your writing has improved hugely recently, keep it up Matty!
For great effort in all our reading lessons - you always make an effort to read with expression and think carefully about the text in answering questions.
For answering every sum, word problem and challenge that is written for him in Mathematics - well done Vinnie!
For always being positive and enthusiastic about your learning. You share thoughtful ideas with the class and complete your work to a high standard. Fantastic work Mia!
For an amazing improvement in your writing. You have been writing completely independently and have used wonderful adjectives, synonyms for said and speech marks in the correct places. I am extremely impressed with your efforts. Keep it up!
For producing a thoughtful and carefully drawn representation of the Holy Trinity in RE. You showed that you were a balanced and creative learner. Well done!
You have been making a huge effort in your learning this week which is great to see! Well done and keep it up we are both very proud of you!
For your progress with your writing. You have continued to try your best, and your determination to keep improving your work is an inspiration to all. Well done.
For always trying his best! He is quick to get busy with a task and always strives to complete it to the best of his ability. Superstar!
For showing wonderful independence and focus when completing tasks this week. You have written a wonderful description of a wolf in English and described different herbivores, carnivores and omnivores in Science.
Tilly has shown relentless determination in all her learning this week and has achieved a writing goal of hers. Tilly, I hope this continues to progress and your achievements continue to flourish because your week has been amazing!
Mollie it has been lovely to see you work collaboratively with your peers and fully immerse yourself in our drama inquiry that focused on the book Peter and the Wolf.
For blending beautifully in her reading, she is trying really hard!
For really impressing me with his love of reading and his hard work in Maths this week! Well done Juke!
For having a great first week at Paddock Wood Primary Academy. She has made new friends and settled in so well. It is like you have always been a member of Phoenix Class!
Lola's Learning
Lola has had a great time visiting classes around the school for the past few weeks. She is enjoying getting to know all of the children and they are definitely loving getting to know her!
This week Lola had a visit from Willow, the Mentor Dog at Langley Park Primary Academy. At first Willow was not sure about Lola, but after a few treats and sniffs they became firm friends. This just goes to show Lola has to work at friendships just like the rest of us!
lending library
You may have noticed our new Little Lending Library pop up in the front entrance of the school.
We would love for you all to get involved in building our Reading Community by taking a book to enjoy and leaving a book for someone else to enjoy.