Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mr page's news update

Welcome back to Term 5

It has been lovely to welcome the children and school community back after our longer Easter break. We have seen glimpses of the weather improving. Long may it last! We are looking forward to using the full school site. Please can I remind parents and pupils to please be mindful of children using school equipment and using the grass areas throughout the school. We planted a wild meadow in KS1 last year and would like to give this the best possible opportunity to grow fully in the coming months.

It has been lovely to see the children in Reception classes go on their visit to Kent Life this week. They were extremely positive and enthusiastic in telling adults all about what they had seen and learnt. Also children in Year 5 have had a fantastic time in Wales. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the brilliant adventures and activities that they have taken part in.

Our value of the term is 'Perseverance'. Children were extremely knowledgeable about the meaning of this and we will be working on how to best use this on a daily basis to help with all aspects of school life.

Finally, thank you for all who donated for our 'Wear Red' day to raise awareness for the Air Ambulance. We raised an amazing £365.50 and we are extremely proud of our ambassador, Isaac M. We are working closely with the charity to continue to raise awareness of their amazing cause and support that they give our community. More information of their fantastic work can be found on their website -


This week we are really proud of...

genevieve 2RL

Genevieve received her Jaguar badge from Tigers Gymnastics! Well done Genevieve;  we are very proud of you!

charlotte 6z

Charlotte has passed her Stage 7 swimming award and is now working towards her bronze level!  Well done Charlotte, what an amazing achievement!

henry 4DB

Henry has completed Level 5 in Swim England awards and is now already half way through Level 6!  Well done Henry!

year 5 plas pencelli group

The Year 5 Wales trip this week has given the children the opportunity to challenge themselves in lots of new ways.  They have risen to these challenges marvellously and have been an absolute credit to the school, their parents and themselves.  

Year 5 Chocolate.mp4

year 5 school group

Everyone has had a fantastic week working on our chocolate project!  From visits to Waitrose to Spanish singing with the finale of making our own personal chocolate!  In their language lesson, the children found out about the Mexican origins of cacao and chocolate. They also learnt a traditional Spanish rhyme still used in Mexico when whipping up a frothy hot chocolate drink.  "Bate Bate Chocolate"

phoenix dance

71 epic children took part in ‘In The Spotlight 24’ before Easter with Phoenix Dance. They performed their routine in-front of an examiner and received a mark out of 100 to produce either a pass, merit or distinction.

Laura can proudly announce that every single child smashed it with DISTINCTION! Well deserved trophies given out this week. 

We hope you feel so proud of yourselves, Laura is definitely one proud dance teacher! GO PHOENIX SUPERSTARS!  

family support 

Kent Family hubs - kent children's centres

Scan the QR code to see what support is available in and around our local area from toddler groups; youth clubs; fathers groups and Adult Education courses.


Please remember to check your child's hair regularly to prevent the spread of headlice.

More information and advice can be found at

It is always advisable for children with longer hair to have this tied back in school as this helps to reduce the chances of head-to-head contact.

drumming lessons

Drumwise now have places available to start this term.

They offer individual 20 minute lessons or 30 minute group lessons.

Please go to for more information and to book your child's place.

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:

 1.5.24 EYFS Hearing and Vision Re-tests

2.5.24 Year 3 to Living Land Show, Detling

13.5.24 SATs Week for Year 6

20.5.24 Year 6 to Bedgebury Go Ape

21.5.24 Year 6 to Chessington

22.5 24 Year 6 to The Globe Theatre

24.5.24 Year 6 to Gravity & Hollywood Bowl

                  End of Term 5 (normal school finish time)

3.6.24 Inset Day (no children in school)

4.6.24 Start of Term 5

28.6.24 PTA Fun Day (more details to follow)

3.7.24 Year 6 Inflatables Fun Day

5.7.24 Year 6 Leavers' Disco

11.7.24 PTA 'Break the Rules' Day

19.7.24 End of Term 6 - 1.30pm finish - No After School Club

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For your continued conscientious approach to your work, especially with  your recent R.E. writing which displayed your understanding of the positive differences between various religions and faiths.



For your positive attitude towards your learning this week. You have been a risk taker - tackling tasks independently before working with an adult to reflect upon what you have done. Nice work Lacie, keep it up!



For your excellent thinking this week. You have been imaginative and creative in your ideas which has resulted in brilliant pieces of work being produced. Good job!



For being a principled learner. Henry puts such amazing effort into everything he does. He has a fantastic attitude for learning. What a great example to others.



For showing great knowledge when finding equivalent fractions and decimals. 



For being a risk-taker, always approaching new topics with courage and conviction - well done Sonny! 



For starting the term with a very positive attitude. You are working more independently and putting in a big effort with your class work - keep it up!



For being knowledgeable with your maths, demonstrating a good understanding of equivalent fractions. You have also been an excellent communicator, working sensibly in group and partnered discussions. Keep up the excellent learning!



For showing greater independence in your learning and your effort to improve your reading and handwriting.  You have been a principled learner and it has been lovely to see your progress.  Well done!



Ardita is really focusing on her listening and as a result  she has become more reflective in her learning . 



For being knowledgeable in science this week.  She drew a beautiful lily and worked hard to label the different parts of the flower. Well done Lily!



For being a reflective and knowledgeable learner this week. You have worked hard across all subjects and been a supportive friend to help others within the class. 



For a fantastic start to the new term. It has been wonderful seeing and hearing you sharing your creative ideas in English with your peers. I am so proud of how hard you worked on your descriptive piece of writing focussing beautifully on your letter formation. Keep up the AMAZING work Teddy!



For returning back with sensational energy to persevere in independent writing. So far this term you have successfully discussed and written about what makes you unique in RE and enjoyed taking pride in written pieces at home and school. 

Keep up this astonishing growth mindset!



Harry this week you have been a determined risk-taker. You have embraced challenges confidently and communicated your knowledge fantastically.  Well done; keep up this amazing work! 


All of Archer

For being risk takers on our trip. They challenged themselves to try brand new things! Well done!


All of Goldings

For being knowledgeable inquirers! On our trip to Kent Life you all showed excitement and curiosity when learning new things. I am very impressed with all the learning you have shared together this week.


All of Phoenix

For being principled and knowledgeable on our trip to Kent Life! You listened carefully and remembered lots of facts about our day! Well done! 




For your application in all lessons but particularly in maths. You have worked with an inquisitive and knowledgeable approach to learning and have been willing to take risks and learn from errors. 



For your imaginative introduction for your non chronological report about the Ancient Greeks. You included humour to keep your work engaging and it somehow managed to make you cry with laughter too!



For your hard work this week in all areas of learning. You have played an active role in the learning of the class in which you have contributed your ideas and thoughts brilliantly.



Eve has produced some amazing map work this week - showing great skills, care and attention to detail .  Really beautiful work!  



For making a brilliant start in 4J. He has shown great maturity and settled into the class as if he has always been here.



For achieving high standards in maths, English and Inquiry - well done Riaan!



For excellent work and attitude in  maths this week! You have shown a very good understanding of reading different types of scales. 



For an excellent start to our inquiry this term. You have demonstrated a great understanding on our new topic, sharing ideas and opinions in our class discussions. Your enthusiasm for learning is infectious, keep it up!



For your efforts in maths.  You have worked hard to understand the concepts and how they are applied.  You showed resilience in perservering even when you found it tricky.  You have been a principled learner.  Well done!



Amelia is producing written work of an increasingly high standard - her joins are showing greater fluency which in turn is helping with her spellings. 



For being consistent with her maths this week. She has worked hard to complete column addition, a tricky concept she has mastered well. Superstar!



For being a caring and open minded member of 2T during our class discussions this week. You have communicated and contributed well. Well done!



For a wonderful start to the new term. This week you have been an open-minded learner taking risks in your learning by accepting challenges. You have approached our new inquiry with wonderful enthusiasm and completed a range of tasks independently and successfully. 

Keep up the AMAZING work!    



For such positive reflection in your work and learning this week. You have worked very hard in all areas and went back to check and read your work before saying you were finished. Keep up this eager editing and reflective mindset. Well done! 



Ralph you have a great enthusiasm for writing. It is lovely to see how proud you are of your work. This week you have been a principled leaner when remembering your finger spaces. Keep up this amazing work!  



Meghana has shown improvements to her effort in writing. We have also noticed that handwriting has improved, as well! Well done, Meghana!



Harry has made a strong effort to branch out with his friendships across the year. He has been showing great confidence and integrity when building new relationships. We are really proud of his efforts.



I was so impressed with the choices you made on our trip to Kent Life! Well done!