Paddock Wood Primary Academy


Mrs Fidock's news update

Thank you to all those who supported Children in Need today - we will let you know the total raised, but we really do appreciate the support you have shown.

This week has been super busy and I would like to thank our lovely Office staff (Mrs Wakeford, Mrs Miles and Mrs Chapman) for ensuring everything ran extremely smoothly!

We had a huge turnout for parents evening this week - either online or face to face. It was lovely to welcome parents back into school and we will be offering open afternoons/mornings so you can come in and see the children's books in class. On Wednesday this week we toured lots of parents for children starting in EYFS in September 2023, all of them commented on how articulate the children were and how impressed they were with the school - many of them commented on just how different it is from when they were at school!

Despite lots of requests to please park considerately, I have been contacted again by a local resident who had to wait 15mins to leave her driveway because someone had blocked her in. This is unacceptable. Whilst I appreciate the weather this week has been terrible and therefore more people drove, this should and can't be at the expense of our local community. I will be passing on the details to our PCSO to deal with.

This week is Anti-bullying week and we have been speaking with the children in our assemblies, through theatre workshops and in class about how important it is to be kind. We reinforced how to look out for others and the importance of letting a trusted adult know if something is happening to them or one of their friends. There is a help guide from National Online Safety below with further ideas for parents.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we'll see you all on Monday.


This week we are really proud of...

Paddock Wood ~ Remembrance Day

Members of Year 6 joined the rest of Paddock Wood to mark Remembrance Day. They laid our wreath and read 'Flanders Fields'. We are so proud to take part in this every year, in memory of those that have died in conflict.

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”


Wilf is doing really well competing recently for his Pony Club, Ashford Valley Pony Club. He competes in both showjumping and tetrathlons which is swimming, running, showjumping and shooting (at the moment he is just throwing but will move into shooting when he turns 8). The photo is him winning his class at Duckhurst riding Pepper. What a huge achievement Wilf - we are really proud of you!


Freya received a very exciting letter from King Charles this week after she wrote to him several weeks ago, wishing him all the best as our new King.

Freya's letter, which was on Buckingham Palace headed paper, had a lovely message of thanks.

We were all very impressed.

Office staff

We think our office staff deserve a Proud@ this week. They have managed whole-school photos, sibling photos and then whole school flu vaccine! They ensured all the children were in the right place, at the right time without delays. We think you are fantastic. Thank you!

Oliver 6C and Matthew 4T

Oliver (6C) and Matthew (4T) were fortunate enough to win the chance to go behind the scenes at Blue Peter in Salford, Greater Manchester on the last day of last term. It was an amazing experience to see how a live broadcast is put together and to meet the presenters - Mwaksy and Richie - guest presenter, Steve Backshall and BP’s very own Henry the beagle! Everyone made them so welcome and the boys even had the chance to be in the studio audience. It was a very long but totally unforgettable day! Boys, we are super proud that you got to be part of this wonderful experience - I've always wanted a Blue Peter Badge.

Darcy T 6J

A huge congratulations to Darcy who took part in the Kent Championships Gymnastics competition last Sunday.

Darcy placed 1st with a Gold medal overall in the 2011- 2013 Copper level. She won a gold Individual apparatus medal for both the Vault and Bars. A brilliant performance Darcy, we are very proud of you.

reading corner

Reading is so important and allows us to access all other areas of the curriculum. Whether you are a fiction fan or a comic consumer it's all about finding something that you like to read.

We want to help inspire you to read more as a family and will be including lots of tips and hints in our new weekly section.

This week it's....subtitles.

By switching on the subtitles you are helping children to improve their reading skills whilst still enjoying their favourite show. They are able to apply their decoding skills (their ability to use their knowledge of letters and sounds to correctly pronounce words). It also helps improve vocabularly and helps them to understand what they are reading/watching.

Office Messages

Brigade, one of our uniform suppliers, are offering a Black Friday discount of 10% from Friday 25th November to midnight on Sunday 27th November. You can shop online at - the discount code to use is BFNOV2022

Dates ahead

Some dates for your diary:

22.11.22 Year 6 Swimming Gala (children have been notified if they are taking part).

25.11.22 Open Tours for prospective parents EYFS September 2023 entry, 10 - 11.00am and 2.00 - 3.15pm

6.12.22 Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime

13.12.22 Christmas Performances - EYFS 9.30am, KS1 2.00pm

14.12.22 Christmas Lunch

15.12.22 Christmas Performances - KS1 9.30am, EYFS 2.00pm

20.12.22 Christingle Service - St.Andrew's Church KS2 only

20.12.22 End of Term 2

School finishes at 1:30pm (no After School Club)

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



You always apply yourself with a smile and a willingness to try your best and take risks. When working with others yo have displayed a positive and caring attitude.



Being an open-minded and enthusiastic learner. You have worked hard on your pace during lessons and take great pride in everything that you do. Keep up the hard work Darcy.



For working exceptionally well this week. You have been a conscientious and enthusiastic learner.



For showing resilience this week, working hard to concentrate and complete tasks consistently during lesson time.



Cleo used great inquiry skills this week during our space exploration topic, asking good questions and reflecting on answers. She has also been a risk taker by extending herself during equivalent fractions and helping those around her. Well done, Cleo :) keep up the awesome work and being a super-star in class.



For showing that you are knowledgeable by communicating and sharing your thoughts and ideas with the class. Keep it up.



Electra has been a thinker and an inquirer in Science this week, coming up with great ideas for an investigation into how much gas is contained in fizzy drinks. Fantastic Lecky!



For being a thinker in Maths and inquiry this week. You produced great work on multiples of three and on Celtic and Roman warriors!



For being a deep thinker, able to use critical and creative thinking to solve problems - well done Esme



For being a caring and principled class member. You are kind to everyone and always the first to help others. You are very helpful around the classroom and school, quietly organising and doing jobs without being asked. You are a superstar!



For being a principled learner this week. You have been a lot more focussed in lessons and have significantly improved your writing as a result. I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work.



For showing greater focus in your work this week, especially in your writing of a book review for our class text - Escape from Pompeii. You summarised the story, explained who the main characters were and expressed your own opinion about the book. Well done!.


George W

You have shown an improved attitude to learning and have been enthusiastic about finding out more.

You have been an inquirer this week, well done!



For being a balanced and reflective member of the class this week. You have recalled previous learning excellently and have been doing your best with your Maths and writing work, with amazing results! Well done!



For being a communicator this week! He is always engaged during our French lessons, helped by his regular use of French at home. Well done!



For being a fantastic inquirer and thinker during our theatre workshop this week. You travelled around the world with wonderful enthusiasm and graduated from The Earth Explorers Academy.



Whitney has worked extremely hard and used her thinking and knowledge learner attributes in all areas of her learning. Whitney showed great confidence taking part in our theatre workshop! Keep up the good work in Phonics and Maths like you have this week.



Parker you have been a knowledgeable thinker. It has been lovely to see you applying your new Maths skills to your independent inquiry




For some amazing results in this week's Maths papers. Your scores were terrific Harry and showed just how much you've applied yourself in this subject since September.



For your fantastic effort and accuracy during our assessments this week. No matter the task, you showed great effort and perseverance. Nice one Maia.



For working exceptionally well particularly with inquiry work this week.

You're a star!



For her stunning work using new figurative language features in her poetry work this week.

Well done Jessica :)



Lacie has put in loads of effort this week, with a focus on her written presentation. She has enjoyed researching the planets of our solar system and contributing interesting ideas in class discussions. Keep up the effort, Lacie :) I am proud of you.



Some wonderful narrative writing this week. Your character descriptions were full and used compound adjectives. Well done.



Ashton has impressed us so much this week with his fabulous attitude, knowledge and concentration in class. He has produced some exceptional inquiry work about Celtic villages. We are really proud of you Ashton.



For a massive step-up in your writing this week - both in inquiry and responding to our class text.



For achieving consistently high standards in vocabulary challenges, mathematical reasoning and Times Table Rockstars - well done Robbie!



For excellent work in Maths this week. You have shown a very good understanding of column addition and subtraction.



For your concerted effort across all areas. You have stepped up the pace of your work and there has been a real improvement, especially in your Maths work. It has also been lovely to see you contribute more in class. Keep it up!



For your excellent work in Maths. You are really challenging yourself and showing that you are a principled learner, listening carefully and working methodically. Well done!



You have worked hard this week in class. You have been driven in completing the work you have been given.

Well done, keep it up!



For settling well into your new class. You have been open and friendly, and tried really hard with all your work this week, even showing off some of your awesome artistic skills! Welcome to Paddock Wood!



For writing a superb letter to the conductor of the Polar Express! She used opinions and produced a very persuasive letter to convince the conductor why she should go on the train. Well done!



I have been blown away by your amazing efforts in reading this week. You have worked extremely hard to successfully decode and blend lots of sounds and words. Keep up the fantastic work!



Bella has been a caring and considerate member of our school community. Bella has been a positive friend to others when they face challenges in their work this week and has kept our environment clean and tidy and encouraged others to do the same.



Iris it has been lovely to your confidence blossom throughout our inquiry. You confidently contributed to the theatre workshop.

This scheme is available to families who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Vouchers will be emailed by the end of November. If you think your child might be eligible you can apply online at

If they are already eligible you do not need to reapply.

If you're not sure please ask the office and we can check this for you!

online parent courses

Charlotte Gunning will be hosting the following courses online in the well being room for any parents that would like to come along and watch the course with others. The courses are being delivered by NELFT.

Thursday 1st December 5.30pm - 7.30pm:

-Understanding your child's anxiety

Thursday 8th December 12.30 - 2.30pm:

-Understanding Autism

Monday 12th December 12.30 - 2.30pm:

-Understanding Resilience

Please book a space by emailing:

A huge thank you from Paddock Wood Primary PTA to everyone who entered our half term Pumpkin Carving Competition.

We loved seeing all of your creative designs and wanted to share some of the winning entries with you here! All of our winners have been notified and we hope they have enjoyed their prizes.

If you would like to keep up to date with info about our latest events, you can find us on Facebook or Instagram, or get in touch with us

heritage paddock wood

Heritage Paddock Wood have put together this lovely calendar for 2023. There are photos of past residents, streets, buildings, apple picking and the school.

If you are able to support please pick up your calendar from Paddock Wood Cards or email Jeremy Thompson.

Thank you for supporting our local heritage.