Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mrs early's news update

It has been great to see children joining all the extracurricular clubs that have started this week. This module we are running, cross-country, tag-rugby, netball, lego, football, choir, coding , French and more! Thank you to all the staff that are running these clubs. We are really pleased that there is such a wide range of clubs on offer that enrich the children’s opportunities. 

Congratulations also to the children that have been voted as our new Academy Council representatives. This year, we have extended our Academy Council into KS1 and at a later stage EYFS will also join, so the whole school will be represented! It will be fantastic to hear from all the younger children as well as the older children.

Congratulations to Rupert, Blossom, Dexter, Maddison, Charlie and Aiofe in KS1 and Sebastian, Lalya L, Elsie, Harry, Sydney, Max, Harry P, Oscar, Lottie, Ayaan, Lucy, Amelia R, Sammy, Rosanna and Emily in KS2. I know the Academy Council will have lots of ideas and be involved in exciting initiatives as well as organising charitable events. They are very keen to get started and are already planning to be ‘local and global.’

Year 6 are currently in the process of putting in their bids to be a house captain. If your child is in Year 6 and is interested in being a House Captain, then please do remind them to do this !  We look forward to hearing all about their new responsibilities next week.

We are keen to get our careers assemblies up and running again. It is fantastic for children to hear about different real life careers so if you would be willing to come in and talk about your chosen career to our pupils, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the office in the first instance. Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Have a great weekend. 

Netball club started this week ! The children made a great start to playing together as a team.  

Congratulations to all our new Academy Council members ! We are looking forward to hearing all your ideas ! 

Football clubs have also started and the children are already showing impressive skills !

KS1 children have enjoyed joining Lego Club on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Hicks.

Their creations showed great building skills!


This week we are really proud of...



George completed Stage 4 in his swimming lessons just before the summer holidays and is now working on Stage 5.  Well done George!

Fidget and Feelings Club is back!

We are in need of some fidget toys for our school Fidget and Feelings Club! Can you help? Any donations would be greatly appreciated - please hand these into the school office. 

Thank you! 

Office Messages 

Year 6 Parents - Don't forget to keep checking Announcements for further details of Secondary School open events.  We will add information to the 'Secondary School Open Events for 2024 Entry' announcement as we receive it.

no dogs on site

Please can we remind all parents that no dogs are allowed on site at any time.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:

18.9.23 & 19.9.23  Individual pupil photos - children to come to school in uniform and bring PE kit to change into if it is their PE day

20.9.23 Maths Workshop for EYFS Parents 9am

22.9.23 Reading Workshop for EYFS & KS1 Parents 9am

29.9.23 Bring a cake for the Macmillan Coffee Morning, Paddock Wood Community Centre

               Own Clothes Day for European Languages Day - wear the colours of a European flag

5.10.23 PTA AGM 6.30pm, Small Hall

6.10.23 - 12.10.23  Book Fair

13.10.23 PTA Autumn Disco  for Years 1 to 6

18.10.23 Parent Consultations

19.10.23  Parent Consultations

20.10.23 End of Term 1 (normal school finish time)

6.11.23  Start of Term 2

6.11.23 - 14.11.23 Bikeability for some Year 6

7.11.23 EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.30pm - 3.00pm

                   History Workshop for Year 4

8.11.23 Author Visit

15.11. 23 EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.30pm - 3.00pm

24.11.23  EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.30pm - 3.00pm

5.12.23  Pantomime for whole school

12.12.23 Nasal flu vaccinations

                     EYFS Christmas Performance 9.30am

                     KS1 Christmas Performance 2.00pm

14.12.23 KS1 Christmas Performance 9.30am

                     EYFS Christmas Performance 2.00pm

15.12.23 KS2 Christmas Church Service

                     End of Term 2  - 1pm finish - no After School Club

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For fantastic contribution;  you took risks and worked independently during Maths. Keep it up!



For being a risk taker in PE this week. You tried hard to develop your confidence with the different passing techniques and showed real enjoyment during the lesson.



For being an inquirer by asking suitable questions to deepen your understanding and contributing insightful information to the lessons.



For demonstrating superior self management skills during lessons. Isabelle’s behaviour for learning has been exemplary, she always listens well, is very well organised and prepared. A wonderful example to others. 



For using good inquiry skills to develop knowledge of key vocabulary and for detailed predictions for our hovercraft making.



For showing that you are knowledgeable, always putting your hand up to share your ideas. You have also done brilliantly in our comprehensions. Well done.



Hanar has been such a caring member of our class since the start of term.  Helping classmates, looking after our classroom, and all with a huge smile on her face.



Woody's a champ at keeping things balanced! He's been doing a fantastic job working independently and making sure his work is not only finished but also up to a high standard. Way to go, Woody – you're setting a great example!



For being a caring learner showing empathy, compassion and respect for those around her - well done Mia!



For being very knowledgeable this week during our work on place value. You are applying your knowledge to answer some challenging Maths problems, great job!



For being a principled learner this week. You have been an absolute role model for your peers, listening fantastically and completing work to an excellent standard. Super job! 



For being such a great learning partner this week.  You have checked to see if  your partner needs help and taken time to carefully explain and help when they have needed it.  You have shown that you are reflective and caring.



For being a wonderful communicator. You have truly found your voice and I am very proud of you!



For being caring this week! He worked well with his partner, taking time to help her overcome tricky challenges. Well done Charlie!



For excellent Maths work this week, partitioning numbers in different ways. You are an excellent new addition to the class and we are so pleased to have you.



For being a knowledgeable communicator this week. You retold the story of 'The Prodigal Son' with wonderful confidence and enthusiasm. You used puppets on our  stage to recall the key events in the story. 

Keep up the magnificent work! 



For being a great risk-taker. Astrid always says yes to a challenge and seeks new ways to apply her learning. In phonics this week, she used our sound of the day effectively in sentences. Astrid wasn’t afraid to make mistakes and used the sound-mat to help her check her spellings. Well done!



For being a knowledgeable thinker and a superb mathematician! Kovey you have confidently used your knowledge on numbers to independently answer our challenge questions whilst explaining why Tiny is wrong. Keep up the great work.




Your work  this week has displayed knowledge and reflection. You have considered your efforts and ways to improve, showing great perseverance. 



For your great work in Science this week; you showed your understanding of inheritance and were able to explain traits which could be passed on genetically.



You have worked incredibly hard this week in Maths. You have been able to apply your learning independently to a range of activities. Keep it up!



Buddy has shown that he is always willing to take part in class discussions and share his excellent ideas in a thoughtful and considered way. An excellent example to others.



For an excellent start to Year 5 and for growing in confidence with her writing. Erin is always respectful of others in the class. 



For an excellent start to Year 5. You have produced some truly wonderful work, which shows you have thought carefully about it. 



Henry we are so impressed with what a caring and principled learner you are.  You take such care over your work and make sure it is all completed to a high standard.



Eesha's bone knowledge is impressive! She put together a well-written non-chronological report on the various bones in our bodies. Her expertise and writing skills shine through, making her a standout researcher and writer. Great job, Eesha!



For achieving high standards in every subject since the start of term - well done Joseph!


Teddy John

For a fantastic effort this week to start your work on time and produce more quality work in the lesson, well done and keep it up!



For your excellent effort this week. You demonstrated a brilliant understanding of expanded noun phrases and have applied yourself to all areas of your learning! Keep up the great work!



For an excellent cave painting using chalk pastels and charcoal to blend and layer colours in a creative way.  You thought carefully about colour choices and composition.  An excellent effort - well done!



For completing a wonderful piece of writing in your book and reading it back to me beautifully! Well Done!



For working hard with his reading this week! He has read every night, trying his best to develop his fluency. Superstar!



For being a caring class member and helping another child with a broken arm.



For your wonderful enthusiasm for learning. You have completed some lovely pieces of work this week that you should be very proud of. I was so impressed with how you retold the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ using brilliant expression.      

Keep up the great work!   



We are so pleased with all the hard work Freddie has achieved this week and his drive to persevere in all areas of learning. Freddie has shown great bravery this week. Great job, keep this up!



For consistently working hard in all areas of the curriculum, displaying great enthusiasm. This week you showed you were a great communicator when you confidently retold the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. Keep up this great work!

pta agm

Come along to Paddock Wood Primary PTA’s Annual General Meeting!

We are holding our AGM on Thursday 28th September 6.30pm in the Small Hall at the school – everyone is welcome to attend.

You can hear about what we have achieved over the last year, what things we have planned and we would love to hear any ideas that you have too. There is no obligation to join the Committee, although we would love it if you did as the more people we have the more fun things we can put on!