Paddock Wood Primary Academy
Mrs Fidock's news update
It's been getting much colder this week, but it makes it feel even more festive. We had the pantomime on Tuesday with Jack and the Beanstalk which all the children enjoyed - and enthusiastically took part in - with a special cameo appearance from Mr Chorley, Mr Blackhall and Mr Judge. A huge thank you to the PTA for funding this for us, the children really do enjoy these performances and it marks the start of Christmas fun for us as a school.
As we complete our dress rehearsals for the EYFS and Key Stage 1 Nativity, we would like to remind all of those attending the performances that photos and videos are allowed to be taken - but this must NOT be posted on any social media platforms if they contain any other children. Thank you to all those parents who have helped with costumes - it's very much appreciated.
Next week has forecast snow. We will be sending out our Snow Plan so you know what to do and where to check if school is open. If we do have to close for any reason, we will move learning to online for this period via Google Classroom.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we'll see you next week.
This week we are really proud of...
Teddy-john 2p
Teddy would like to show everyone that he received man of match medal for 3rd time in 2 months on Saturday from his football team - we are so proud of you Teddy-John this must mean that you demonstrate many of our learner profile attributes. Well done!
Edan 1P
Edan successfully passed his Taekwon-Do exam last week, and he has now been upgraded from white belt to yellow stripe belt. We are so proud of you Edan.
reece 4dp & Kai 2p
Reece got his yellow belt in kick-boxing on Sunday. His brother Kai graded and received his green belt for karate also on Sunday. Well done boys - we are super proud of you both.
lola - our dog mentor
We are really proud of Lola for working in class this week. She has gained in confidence and is now spending more time in a wide range of year groups and classes.
Lola even had her picture taken by our school photographers! She is officially a member of the staff team now!
Lola can now do the following commands:
and WAIT!
Well done Lola we are proud of you!!
Thank you again to the PTA for funding the Dog Mentor training course.
Children from Years 5 and 6 took part.
The team planning chess domination!
paddock wood chess team
Our fabulous Chess Team took part in a competition at Sevenoaks School on Wednesday 7th December. After everyone winning at least 1 game we came 2nd (by 1 point). We are so proud of the whole team for representing Paddock Wood so brilliantly and demonstrating their skills. Well done to the whole team and thank you to Mr Goodrich for your excellent tutoring.
freya 2p
Freya received this certificate for her “stage and screen performances” in Musical Theatre with JLP Performing Arts. It's wonderful to read how confident she is with her singing and dancing. At the weekend, Freya performed songs from Frozen and other Christmas songs and we've been shared a video to watch - which we've all enjoyed. Well done Freya - we are really proud of you!
Joseph 3TL
Joseph received his Orange stripe belt at his Karate grading, well done Joseph we are really proud of how hard you are working.
Mr Goodrich
We think Mr Goodrich deserves this Proud@ this week. He has inspired Harry to teach his younger brother to play chess. Mum emailed us to say...' big thanks to Mr. Goodrich for all his efforts with the chess club. My son Harry came home last night and he was buzzing that they came 2nd place. I wanted to also say that Harry's love of chess has now inspired our younger son and they have certainly come away from gaming etc and Harry is spending time teaching his younger brother!!
Well done Mr Goodrich and a huge thank you!
kyiah 4G
Kyiah achieved her 8th Kup belt grading in taekwondo on Sat . It consisted of her learning a form of patterns & self defence moves and she also had to learn the Korean pronunciation of the moves. She passed with a merit! We are so proud of you Kyiah, well done!
Clara Archer class
Well done to Clara who was awarded this wonderful trophy for the effort she puts into her ballet - what an amazing achievement Clara! We are really proud of you, and for always giving things a try!
Book of the week...
The Rollercoaster boy
By Lisa Thompson ~ The Sunday Times book of the week
Todd and Laurie's dad is either on top of the world, taking them on fun adventures, or down in the depths and sleeping all the time.
In the middle of the night, he bundles them into the car and drives them to the Paradise Hotel. He paints a picture of a luxurious mansion by the sea, but the reality is a rundown dump and the disappointment means Dad takes to his bed.
Todd and Laurie have the run of the place, and meet Scout, the daughter of the owner, who tells them about the night many years ago when a famous novelist vanished from her room on the top floor, which was locked from the inside... with clues to crack, a mystery to solve, and Dad to worry about, this holiday is full of twists and turns. Aimed at Year 5 and 6 this is a must read for any Christmas holiday.
Well-being champions
The definition of Well-being is the state of feeling healthy and happy.
...with this in mind we have started a Well-Being advisory group at Paddock Wood Primary which we have called The Well-Being Champions.
Our WB Champions will be developing a well-being newsletter to go to all parents, staff and children informing them of what we are up to and how we are supporting our students and our community.
This week we decided on a charity we would like to raise money for - we have chosen the RSPCA. Look out for our fund raising ideas.
Office Messages
Don't forget next Wednesday is Christmas Lunch day! If your child is in EYFS or KS1 you don't need to do anything - your child will just need to register for a school meal on the day. For children in KS2 there is a charge of £3.00 for this meal (unless your child is eligible for free school meals), and this must be paid in advance via MCAS. Please go to Products>Christmas>Christmas Lunch to make your payment.
Wednesday is also Own Clothes Day for the whole school. Children may wear their own clothes - christmassy or not! For children in Years 1 to 6 we are asking for donations for the Secret Room for the PTA Christmas Fun Day on Friday.
Dates ahead
Some dates for your diary:
12.12.22 Year 4 London Mithraem virtual tour
13.12.22 Christmas Performances - EYFS 9.30am, KS1 2.00pm - Please book your place via MCAS
14.12.22 Christmas Lunch - Free for EYFS & KS1, £3.00 for Years 3 to 6 payable in advance via MCAS
Own Clothes Day ( Year 1 - 6 donations of gifts for The Secret Room (PTA Christmas Fun Day)
15.12.22 Christmas Performances - KS1 9.30am, EYFS 2.00pm - Please book your place via MCAS
16.12.22 PTA Christmas Fun Day for Years 1 to 6
20.12.22 Christingle Service - St. Andrew's Church KS2 only
20.12.22 End of Term 2
School finishes at 1:30pm (no After School Club)...but we will have an outdoor carol concert for parents from 1pm - come along and join in.
4.1.23 Inset Day
5.1.23 Term 3 begins
13.1.23 Living History Company for Year 4
19.1.23 Young Voices for Year 5 & 6 Choir
3.2.22 Valentine's Disco for Years 1 to 6
9.2.23 End of Term 3
Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:
For being a caring and helpful member of 6C whilst Mr Cole was away. You've been a great help to the adults in class, fetching resources and organising work.
For your risk taking approach within inquiry when drawing a map of Europe. With a little encouragement, you persevered with your sketching and produced an awesome map which explained the events leading up to the outbreak of World War Two. Nice one Chloe.
You have been a true inquirer this week - researching the events of World War II as well as being knowledgeable when using new vocabulary. Keep it up!
For challenging himself and showing resilience this week, working to solve a variety of problems involving fractions.
Aidan worked with a concerted effort this week on his Mathematics. He was able to use his knowledge of equivalent fractions to systematically solve subtraction of mixed numbers and fractions. Well done, keep up the great effort, Aidan :)
For showing that you are a caring person, displaying empathy, compassion and respect to your classmates. You really are a model to others Lucas!
For being a dedicated and hard-working inquirer. Charlie has been focussed and enthusiastic and has produced some really good work on the Roman invasion - well done Charlie!
For being a balanced learner this week. Even when you have got upset about something, you have managed to get your focus back and keep working.
For being a brilliant thinker, always trying to analyse problems before solving them particularly in Mathematics - well done Callum!
For always helping his peers in class and on the playground and for being a calm and positive influence on others.
For always being positive and enthusiastic in class. You contribute well in lessons with lots of interesting and thoughtful ideas, well done.
For being so helpful in Art this week. You made sure that all the equipment was clean and tidied away after the lesson, leaving the area sparkling and ready for the next class to use. You were principled and caring. Well done!
This week you have shown what a principled learner you are. Being able to discuss and listen to others whilst taking part in PSHE.
For always being a principled member of the class. You do your best in every area of your learning and you are a great example to your classmates.
Well done.
For being a thinker! He has impressed us with his shape knowledge and understanding of vertices and sides. Super!
For being a knowledgeable communicator in Science this week. You classified animals and recalled facts confidently. Keep up the amazing work!
For applying her knowledge and communicator attributes this week. I have been so impressed by her participation, engagement and determination in writing what she’s learnt.
Mykolay you have been a balanced thinker this week, especially in Science. You communicated to the class which groups certain animals belong to, as well as why they belong.
All of 6C
For your hard work on your inquiry this week. You've all worked diligently on your tasks and shown great pride in everything that you've been working on.
For your fantastic work explaining the events which led to war being declared in 1939. You used key the vocabulary accurately and the final product looks amazing. I'm really proud of you Isla.
For persevering and showcasing the value in trying something new. Your inquiry work this week is your best work yet because you have edited and amended your plans - well done!
For working hard in computing lessons this week writing algorithms and constructing circuits using LEDs with flashing sequences. Well done Roseanna:)
Tyesha has worked on her self management skills this week and this has improved her work in Mathematics and English. Continue focussing on the task at hand, Tyesha :) you have made me proud.
For a fabulous week with your fractions. You have really grasped them well and can competently convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, while using equivalent fractions at the same time.
For being a positive and enthusiastic learner. Ben is always putting his hand up and offering interesting thoughts and ideas. You are a real asset to the class!
For showing excellent times knowledge and a great explanation of why temples were important to the Romans.
For making good progress with her reading - sharing a book in a calm, relaxed manner whilst reading all the words with increasing accuracy - well done Ivy!
An excellent attitude and determination in maths this week. You are pushing yourself to complete the activities and move on to the challenge tasks, well done.
Ethan C
For putting a huge effort into writing an informative volcano report and working more independently.
For producing an amazing fossil print. You planned it in your sketch book and then drew it carefully on to the tile, adding extra detail, before printing it. It looked fabulous. Well done!
This week you have worked incredibly hard making sure to listen carefully during our lessons. You have been given tricky instructions to follow to be able to complete a task and have applied yourself brilliantly!
For a huge improvement in your writing this week! You have been trying hard to write full sentences to describe what you could see and hear from the polar express, and have been acting on feedback to improve the quality of those sentences. Keep it up!
For trying her best with her handwriting this week! She is working hard to extend her ladder letters and keep her letters on the line. Wow!
For being a creative thinker in English this week. You have enthusiastically planned your own version of Little Red Riding Hood, creating your own main characters and setting. I cannot wait to read your finished story.
Ardita has worked tremendously hard in her reading this week. Ardita has been increasing her phonetic awareness and sounding out more independently. We can’t wait to see this progress grow!
For consistently working hard in all areas of the curriculum. This week you have worked collaboratively with your peers to reinvent the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Christmas decoration donations
If anyone has any spare decorations at home that they are not using or wanting, please can you donate these to the school (via the office) so that we can help families that are in need with a few extras.
Any Christmas jumpers that your child has outgrown are also welcome (via classrooms or the office) so that we can make sure every child has one this Christmas.
If you have money worries or are experiencing another significant issue in your life, we can offer free, confidential and impartial advice about your options and can help you take the action you choose.
We’re available to you whether you prefer to speak face to face, by phone or receive advice by email. Our specialists in welfare benefits, debt and money, housing, employment issues, relationship breakdown, domestic abuse and other family matters are looking forward to helping you.
94 Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6DP
Telephone Advice Line: 01892 838619
Email address:
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 1.30pm
well being apps for kids
We know that all kids are prone to too much time on technology and that the Christmas holidays are fast approaching when we will all be more indoors and looking for things to do.
We would encourage all parents to make sure all devices are managed with the correct parental settings but would also encourage kids to be directed to some well being apps to manage their emotions and well being whilst online. Please see the link below for more details from