Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mr page's news update

The final week of the term has flown by. The school has been a hive of activity as the children have immersed themselves into Children's Mental Health Week. They have completed many different activities, including deepening their learning about how to stay safe when online or engaging with technology. There have been sporting fixtures where our fantastic Year 6 representatives made it to the final of their competition. Year 1 have loved learning all about animals and critters with a visit from Zoo Lab. Watch the adults dancing along and sharing an important message here: Your Voice Matters 

Children who are engaging with reading (KS1) and practicing their multiplications on TTRockstars (KS1 and KS2) are earning certificates. It was lovely to see the pride on their faces as they received certificates in our celebration assembly for their achievements. 


After 21 years of working at the school, Mrs Noakes is sadly leaving us. She has worked across the whole school and has supported many children throughout her time at Paddock Wood. She will be missed by pupils, parents and staff. I would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best on her future endeavours. Miss Seal is stepping down from her 1:1 Teaching Assistant role, however I am pleased to say that she will continue to support After School Club.

House Points

Throughout the term, children earn house points for a multitude of different reasons. The totals are as stands:

Bahari - 4834

Nyasi - 5192

Ardhi - 4980

Message from Mrs Stockbridge

This week has been wonderful and the children have embraced all of the activities. We have been busy sharing lots of these on our social media - both X (Twitter!) and Facebook. Please do give us a follow as we continue to share daily learning on both of these sites! I will try and share some learning from each year group so that adults at home can see some of the skills and knowledge the children are developing. 

Give us a follow:

Facebook - Paddock Wood Primary Academy

X - PaddockWoodPA

Mrs Stockbridge

Next term and Open Afternoon

Next term is already getting busy. We have lots of trips and visits planned; we also have themed days to celebrate all of the wonderful charities and organisations who support our local community. In addition to this our brilliant PTA have lots of excellent events organised as well. Please see the dates on the newsletter. 

A date to write in your diary is Wednesday 21st February 2024. We would like to invite you in for an open afternoon. This will be from 14:30 - 15:45. This is always a fantastic opportunity for you to come into school, celebrate children's learning and for you to be shown our wonderful learning environments by your brilliant children.

I hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you back on Monday 19th February. 

attendance counts

Well done to all children this term for some great attendance.  Special mention to Year 3 (96.9%) and Year 6 (96%) for having the highest percentages within the school.  It is so important for all children to be in school on time and attending everyday to allow them to develop socially and academically. 

Please can all parents be mindful of the negative impact poor attendance has on children when deciding whether they need to keep their children off school. 

Playground support 

Calling all parents - we need your help! Thinking of a half term clear out? 

We are looking to create zones in the playground to encourage positive play for more children but need some equipment to support this.  Initially we will be creating a role play and den building area on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.    

Items that we need are: 

Please can all items be brought in on the first Monday back after half term via The Well Being room. One of the pastoral team will be there to take safe delivery of all your unwanted goods.  

Times Table Workshop

As children knowing their times tables is such an important part of maths, we would like to invite parents to a Times Tables Workshop on Wednesday 21st February at 2.30pm.  

This is aimed at helping parents to support their children in learning their times tables at home.  

This week 4DP were our champions!!

All are welcome!

Office Messages 

Don't forget to give consent and make payment for your child's trips and events next term:

Year 4 Swimming - by 23rd February

Year 4 Herstmonceux Observatory - by 16th February

Year 2 Great Fire of London - by 16th February

Year 3 Egyptian Workshop - by 8th March

Year 1 Author Visit - by 8th March

If you have any queries, or issues with giving consent or making payment via MCAS by these dates, please email the school office at

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:

19.2.24  Start of Term 4

20.2.24 4T to Herstmonceux Observatory

21.2.24  Great Fire of London Theatre Visit for Year 2

               Open Afternoon 2.30pm - 3.45pm

               Times tables Workshop for Parents 2.30pm

22.2.24  Wear your Girlguiding/Scouts uniform to school for World Thinking Day

23.2.24  Wear Red in Feb for KSS Air Ambulance Charity (own clothes day with something red) Donations via MCAS

24.2.24 PTA Quiz Night

27.2.24 4DB to Herstmonceux Observatory

28.2.24 4J to Herstmonceux Observatory

1.3.24 PTA Valentines Disco

4.3.24 & 5.3.24 Class Photos

7.3.24 World Book Day (Dress up as a character from a book)

Week beginning 11.3.24 Science Week

18.3.24  James and the Giant Peach - PWPA Theatre Club Production 5.30pm

21.3.24  Author visit for Year 1 

28.3.24 End of Term 4 - 1pm finish (No After School Club)

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For some excellent, focussed inquiry work which has clearly shown knowledge and understanding of chronological, key events from The Battle of Britain.



For your brilliant inquiry work about the Empire Windrush. You came up with an innovative way of presenting your learning and worked collaboratively to produce the final product. Well done Josh.



You continue to take pride in your work and have produced wonderful pieces that show your learning about the Battle of Britain and Windrush. Fantastic!



Callum has made a consistent effort to concentrate and improve on his writing, adding fronted adverbials and experimenting with his sentence structure.



Freya has been very focused on improving her English work and has shown really good knowledge on the topic of the Vikings invading Lindisfarne. Well done.



For being a risk-taker and throwing yourself back into your work. You have shown both desire to progress and pride in what you have produced. Keep it up Frankie! :-)



George has blown us away with his principled attitude.  He has thrown himself into his writing and worked so hard to add detail and descriptions.  Well done George.  Keep up the hard work!



Ruben demonstrated commendable reflection in his writing this week, actively incorporating feedback to enhance his work. His well-crafted Suffragette letter is a testament to his diligence. Well done, Ruben!



For being a caring individual every day, showing compassion, empathy and respect - well done Ethan!



For a huge focus and commitment to improve your learning this week. You have shown an excellent understanding of multiplication and division strategies in maths.



For being a principled learner this week. You have demonstrated excellent learning, participating in class discussions and trying your best with all of your learning. Keep up the awesomeness!   



For showing perseverance and resilience this term.  You worked hard to improve your writing and then used your computing skills to make a booklet about Paddock Wood on Book Creator.  You also worked out how to add pictures and photos.  Well done!



For always trying her hardest at everything she does. Well done Phoebe this has really helped your learning progress..



For being a balanced learner. She has thrown herself into all her work over the term and is keen to challenge herself. Keep up this great work Beatrix.



For being balanced this week! She eagerly completed her maths activity and decided to challenge herself with additional reasoning questions. Well done Isabel!



For a being a wonderful risk-taker this week. You have been working extremely hard to use your phonics knowledge when completing your written tasks. 

Keep up the AMAZING work Elsie.

 It has been wonderful to see your confidence blossoming.  



You have been a fabulous communicator this week in sharing things special to you. You answered questions from others in your class and you have been more vocal in class asking for support or asking for challenges! We are so pleased to see you blossom as well as your caring thoughtfulness to other classmates.



Vicente this week you have been a risk-taker with your writing. You have used marvellous adjectives throughout your innovated story. Keep up this great work!  



For being a knowledgeable communicator, he has worked really hard at his phonics and his reading. Well done Connor!



For being a balanced learner! Loulou has been really engaged with our learning about how to keep our minds happy and healthy this week. She is a kind, engaged member of the class always giving new challenges her best effort. Well done!



For being open minded this week! You have come into school all week with a smile on your face, which is lovely to see! 




For an excellent performance at this week's Kent Schools Football Tournament. You scored some crucial goals which helped see the team through to the finals. Well done Kuba and the team.



For your very convincing performance during our English lesson on playscripts this week. You were very theatrical when having your mock disagreement with your partner; using both tone of voice and movements to convey your frustration. Well done Niamh.



You represented the school exemplarily, proving to be a constant frustration for your opponent and a formidable defender for the team. Well done you are improving all the time.



Amelia has demonstrated an admirable resilience towards understanding new concepts in maths this week, working to find fractions of amounts.



Christopher has shown true commitment to joining 5H from his previous school. He has shown dedication to be part of a team. Keep up the positive attitude! 



For your wonderful overall attitude to your work. You are always keen to showcase what you have done and simply get on diligently.



Wilf we are so proud of the care and effort you have put into your writing this week.  You have produced a high quality piece of work.  Keep up the hard work!



Woody has shown care and diligence in his work, resulting in a substantial improvement in both maths and English. Mr. James acknowledges his efforts and encourages him to keep being awesome!



For achieving higher standards in writing over the last few weeks - well done Maisie!



For a well written and presented leaflet all about Paddock Wood town using Book Creator.



For your continued hard work and resilience this year. You try your best in all areas of your learning and have developed your independence as a learner. Keep up the great work! 



For your well researched and informative booklet on Paddock Wood.  You thought hard about your presentation and even included a section on Bereko for comparison.  Well done!



Hansel has shown perseverance in his learning and is now thinking of the importance of sustained concentration. 



For your excellent non-fiction writing about Queen ELizabeth II. You have thought about how to organise your work using headings and written clear information to engage the reader.  Well done!



For working incredibly hard on building his Bangladeshi house this week. He concentrated well and considered which materials would work best to defend his house from a flood. Superstar!



For your fantastic phonics work this week. We are all extremely proud of your wonderful decoding and blending. 

Keep up the MAGNIFICENT work. You are a phonics super star!!



You have been an amazing member of our class this week and have achieved so many writing targets and when you had successfully completed your own work, you shared your knowledge with others to strengthen your explanation skills and their understanding. Well done.



It has been a pleasure to see your confidence blossom this term. Daisy you are a caring member of 1T, who consistently displays all learner attributes. You bring joy and laughter to the classroom. Keep shining! 



For putting a lot of effort into his work every day. He has made wonderful progress since the beginning of the year because of this! Well done Teddy!



For growing in confidence this term with his communication! Oday has progressed really well in expressing what he is feeling and what he needs. He is working really hard in phonics as well! Super job.



For some great phonics work this week! You always try hard to find words with our sounds in and you are starting to put these into sentences too! Well done!  

paddock wood community centre events