Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mrs early's news update

This week we have seen children demonstrating the school values of ‘respect’, ‘persevere’ and ‘aspire’ as well as the learner attributes.

It is fantastic to see children thoroughly engaged in their inquiry, for example in Year 4 children have been learning about the effects that different liquids can have on their teeth and they have been surprised at what fizzy drinks can do. 

Year 5 have been exploring different religions in the Paddock Wood community and comparing this with the locality of Brent in London using graphs, census data and databases based on their theme of citizenship.  

EYFS have read about Elmer and have been designing Elmer’s friends! They have also been making their own finger puppets and developing their communication and social skills in fantastic role play.  

Year 6 have started swimming at Kent College each week and are also busy learning about different biomes around the world and learning about how animals adapt in those habitats.  

On Monday we had an assembly about Black History Month and learnt about significant individuals from the past such as Nelson Mandela, Mary Seacole and Lilian Bader. 

On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day and children enjoyed reading a range of poems on the theme of ‘refuge’ including poems from Michael Morpurgo’s book ‘On the Move’ about migration.

This afternoon all the children from Years 1 to 6 visited St Andrew’s Church for our Harvest Service led by Hanna Rosser and Reverend Bryan Knapp. This was a wonderful afternoon where children enthusiastically sang harvest songs and donated harvest gifts. We also learnt about Harvest in Bereko in Tanzania. Thank you to Hanna Rosser, Children, Youth and Families Worker from St Andrew’s Church for organising this. We are looking forward to our Bereko day next Friday 13th October.  Thank you also to all the parent volunteers that came along. 

We have also registered as a school to take part in the National Education Nature Park and Climate Action Awards which is really exciting. This is a National programme led by the Department of Education and the Natural History Museum. The programme aims to enable every young person to develop a meaningful connection to nature, develop green skills for their future and contribute to nature recovery. It is also designed to improve wellbeing, contribute to scientific research and supports climate action plans. Participation in the scheme will help us as a school in completing the biodiversity and sustainability element of the Department for Education’s initiative for climate action plans in education settings. We will keep you updated throughout the year!

Have a good weekend.


This week we are really proud of...

ks1 School council

Our KS1 School council had a meeting on Thursday discussing plans and ideas for the wooded area.

They discussed how to best create a thought-provoking wooded area. We thought about how we could be inquirers and thinkers in our play and what our interests are in KS1. Watch this space! 

Paddock Wood U7's

Paddock Wood U7's team recently played their first official match against Langton Green and won both games (5-3 and 7-1).  Well done to Oscar, Henley, Tom, Charlie E, Isaac, Charlie M, Leo, Oliver, Charlie B and William.  Isaac and William were also awarded Man of the Match trophies!  

Good luck with your next game on Saturday against Pembury!

bereko day

On Friday 13th October, it is Bereko Day and children may wear their own clothes for a £1 minimum donation paid on MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)>Products>Fundraising. 

The money raised from this and previous events will be taken out to Bereko by Mrs Bienz and Mrs Thorne-Large who will be visiting Tanzania in October half term with a group from St Andrew's Church, Paddock Wood. The funds raised will be used to buy basic school resources and medical supplies for the community. 

On Bereko Day in school, the children will be making friendship bracelets and writing letters for the children in the local primary school there. 

book fair

Our Scholastic Book Fair will run from Monday 9th October to Thursday 12th October in the Small Hall from 3.20pm to 3.50pm.


Please can we ask again that you park considerately and safely in the roads surrounding our school when dropping off or collecting your child/ren.

Please ensure driveways and pavements are kept clear, and road markings are adherred to. We are aware that there are some drivers parking cars and vans on the zigzag lines. These should not be parked on at any time for the safety of all. 

curriculum corner

Each week we want to give you ideas to enable you to support your child at home with a particular aspect of the curriculum. Our subject leaders will be sharing hints and tips to help you along the way and will be offering further ideas and resources that you might like to access at home. This week our focus is.... TT Rockstars!

Don’t forget that TT Rockstars is an excellent online tool that helps children to develop their speed and accuracy with their times tables. We would like children from Years 2 to 6 to complete 15 sessions a week either at home or in school. We will be looking to start our very own TTRS leaderboard!

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:                        *** Please note there will be further dates added ***

9.10.23 - 12.10.23  Book Fair, Small Hall 3.20pm to 3.50pm 

9.10.23 - 10.10.23 Health Screening for EYFS and Year 6 children                     

13.10.23 PTA Autumn Disco  for Years 1 to 6

                     Bereko Fundraising Day - Own Clothes Day

18.10.23 Parent Consultations

19.10.23  Parent Consultations

20.10.23 End of Term 1 (normal school finish time)

5.11.23  PTA Family Firework Event

6.11.23  Start of Term 2

6.11.23 - 14.11.23 Bikeability for some Year 6

7.11.23 EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.45pm - 3.15pm

                   History Workshop for Year 4

8.11.23 Author Visit

15.11. 23 EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.45pm - 3.15pm

24.11.23  EYFS Prospective Parents Open Day 9.15am - 10.45am, 1.45pm - 3.15pm

5.12.23  Pantomime for whole school

12.12.23 Nasal flu vaccinations

                     EYFS Christmas Performance 9.30am

                     KS1 Christmas Performance 2.00pm

13.12.23  Christmas lunch

14.12.23 KS1 Christmas Performance 9.30am

                    EYFS Christmas Performance 2.00pm

15.12.23 KS2 Christmas Church Service

                     End of Term 2  - 1pm finish - no After School Club

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For an improved, increasingly positive approach to inquiry learning, applying a more knowledgeable and reflective method. 



For being a great communicator this week. You thought carefully about how to organise your learning and clearly shared the knowledge which you gained. Well done Phoebe!



For being a thinker this week. You have thought about different ways to present your work and have created a wonderful piece about the different climates and biomes around the world.



For being an excellent role model to others, always listening well, presenting your work very carefully and always doing your best. 



Zac is always hard working and very helpful to other people. This week he has shown exceptionally good writing skills and true perseverance. 



For being knowledgeable on a range of subjects and being happy to share that knowledge with the class. I also love that, on occasion, you have corrected me (in the nicest possible way) on something. I love learning from children!



Eli has been a kind and caring member of our class this week  looking after other children and being helpful and supportive.  Really proud of you Eli!



Jessica's expertise in the human digestive system shines brightly in her remarkable non-chronological report. Her use of fronted adverbials and punctuation is so impressive that it could give even the Year 6 students a run for their money! Jessica's dedication to her work and attention to detail are truly outstanding. Bravo, Jessica!



For being a learner who always shows empathy, compassion and respect - well done Connie! 



For being principled, caring and always ready to lend a hand to help others. You have been particularly kind and helpful towards a new member of the class. 



For being such an enthusiastic and reflective learner. You have worked especially hard in your maths this week. Well done! 



For settling so well into Year 3.  You participate well in class, sharing your thoughtful ideas and like to help your classmates.  Well done!



Well done for being a principled learner this week Charlie! You have shown incredible sportmanship during PE and always congratulate your opponent. 



For being an excellent communicator. You have worked hard and articulated your opinions and views on Martin Luther King and linked this well to our Rosa Parks work. Well done you!



For being a principled learner. You come to school ready to learn each day and we can always rely on you to make good choices. You are an excellent role model and we are so pleased to have you.



For being a principled inquirer. You always try your best in every task asking inquisitive questions to further your learning even more. You are a wonderful role model for your peers Axel. Keep up the amazing work! 



For being a risk taker this week ready to take on any challenge in every subject! 

Bill asks for support when needed so he doesn’t stay stuck. I am so happy to see his driven attitude to learning. Keep this up!



Maci this week you have been knowledge thinker. You have used your knowledge on the weather and seasons to deliver an in depth weather report. 

Keep up the great work!



Angelika & Ameliya

For some excellent work in history. You showed an understanding of chronology by the organised way you presented your family trees. They  looked fantastic too.



For your fantastic work exploring the different biomes on Earth. You presented your work brilliantly and were really proud of what you produced! Nice one Darcia.



For your risk taking this week. You have thought of a range of different ways to present your work and taken pride in ensuring they are to the highest standard possible. Well done keep it up!



For showing resilience and working to solve problems using inverse operations in maths this week and developing new mental strategies.



Jesse has been a reflective learner this week and has shown resilience, especially with his writing skills when asked to try again. Really proud of your efforts, well done. 



For an excellent attitude to your work. You always give your best effort and show that you are focused during the lesson, often sharing your ideas. Keep it up. :-) 



Georgie-Lee brings so much sunshine and energy to our classroom everyday.  He always approaches learning with enthusiasm and shows so much interest.  Keep up the great attitude Georgie-Lee.



Darcy's hard work and determination in class have been truly commendable. She's shown remarkable progress in improving her productivity, consistently completing her morning arithmetic and English writing tasks on time. Her focus and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and Mr. James is incredibly proud. Keep up the excellent work, Darcy!



For achieving high standards with his science investigations and research based on our healthy teeth experiment and the digestive system - well done Jack!  



For a huge effort in maths this week to start your work on time and produce more quantity. Keep up the hard work!



For being such a collaborative learner this week. It has been wonderful seeing you working with a range of children in the class. A true highlight was your fantastic demonstration of teamwork in Hockey. Well done Toby!



For your effort in PE.  You have worked really hard to improve your hockey skills, listening carefully to instructions and then trying to implement them.  You have made great progress.   

 Well done!   



You have been a star in class this week and had the best attitude towards your work. I am so happy with the sentences you came up with for our phonics sound this week. Great work Harriett!



You have been working incredibly hard this week in class. You have shown willingness and determination especially in your maths work. We are very proud of you, well done!



You are an excellent mathematician! You use your knowledge of number to reason and explain your thinking, and you have been working super hard to learn your multiplication tables. There is no stopping you!



For your wonderful determination and perseverance. You have been working so hard on your handwriting and it shows! 

I am so proud of you Riley. Keep up the magnificent work!



For achieving greater confidence in your writing and rhyming this week. You are showing your growth mindset when facing certain challenges. 

You have been working with an enormous smile all this week! 

Keep up the great work!



Ralph you consistently work hard in all aspects of our curriculum. In particular you have conquered rhyming words with confidence this week. You are a caring member of 1T who always lends a hand to your peers. 

Keep up the great work!