Paddock Wood Primary Academy 


Mr page's news update

We are already halfway through Term 5. Time flies when you are having fun. Yesterday Year 3 had an amazing trip to The Living Land County Show, Detling as a year group. Their behaviour was praised by not only our staff but the staff at the show as well. Well done to the whole of Year 3 who represented the school brilliantly and were so enthusiastic to learn.

It has been brilliant to see children finally being able to get onto the grass/field areas for PE and during lunchtimes. Please can you ensure children have a water bottle in school and when the weather finally does become warmer, ensure that children have sun cream applied at home and wear a hat. 

We also invited in Leigh Academy Trust Curriculum Advisors who worked with teachers to look at Writing in Year 6 and Maths across the school. There were exceedingly impressed with the quality of the work and the pride that children are taking over their learning.

Could we please remind all families that holidays will not be authorised in term time and you will be at risk of a Penalty Fine from the Local Authority. It's so important that children are in school as much as possible and we have recently seen a huge spike in requests. Thank you for your help with this. 

Enjoy the long bank holiday weekend!


This week we are really proud of...

harry 3S

Last week Harry passed his judo grading 2nd stripe 1st Mon.  Well done Harry we are so proud of you!

vinnie 5g

Last week Vinnie passed his judo grading 3rd stripe 1st Mon.  Well done Vinnie; keep going!

henry 4T

Last Sunday Henry was on the red carpet at the Odeon for the big screen premiere of all the films he and his friends at PQA wrote, directed and performed in over the past year. The cinema was sold out and the performances were superb, congratulations everyone!

esther 4j

Last weekend Esther attended the PQA Red Carpet Cinema Screening and Awards 2024, at The Odeon (Knights Park). The audience enjoyed a special screening of the films they have made this year in their Film and TV sessions. 

Esther and her group were each awarded a medal for the PQA Green Group Film & TV Award 2024.  

family support 

If you need to talk about any concerns you may have regarding you child(ren) or family situation, please do call me to have a chat or make an appointment.  I am here to offer my support whether you need a little extra food or help towards uniform costs due to the cost of living crisis we are all experiencing, if you are having struggles with your child coming in to school or any issues at home, I am here to listen and offer guidance and support for you.  You can contact me on the usual school office number or email me, Thanks, Sam 

Kent Family Hub (Formerly Children Centres) is a really useful source of information for families of children from 0-18.  From free courses for adults to support groups; ideas for family days out to clubs and activities for children, make sure you check it out ... 

NHS emotional wellbeing team

The next FREE workshop for parents/carers is Understanding Autism.  This is being run on 13th May 2024, don't forget to sign up! 

Help your children engage with reading through 0 to 12 years old. Words for LIfe has useful information, ideas and links to support with reading.

If you are concerned about your Child's communication the I CAN Communication Charity may be able to help scan the QR Code ...

Dates ahead 

Some dates for your diary:

13.5.24 SATs Week for Year 6

20.5.24 Year 6 to Bedgebury Go Ape

21.5.24 Year 6 to Chessington

22.5 24 Year 6 to The Globe Theatre

24.5.24 Year 6 to Gravity & Hollywood Bowl

                  End of Term 5 (normal school finish time)

3.6.24 Inset Day (no children in school)

4.6.24 Start of Term 6

                1T to Bodiam Castle

5.6.24 'It's Your Move' workshop for Year 6

10.6.24 1E to Bodiam Castle

13.6.24  1P to Bodiam Castle

28.6.24 PTA Fun Day (more details to follow)

3.7.24 Year 6 Inflatables Fun Day

5.7.24 Year 6 Leavers' Disco

11.7.24 PTA 'Break the Rules' Day

19.7.24 End of Term 6 - 1.30pm finish - No After School Club

Learner Profile / Approaches to learning Certificates this week go to:



For an impressive level of application in your work this week, particularly  your literacy. It has been good to see you seek ways to use and improve your knowledge and take risks in trying different ways to communicate your ideas.



For your enthusiasm towards your balanced argument about whether it was better be a woman in Sparta or Athens. You had an open minded approach during class discussions, clearly showing an understanding of both viewpoints. Nice one Fraser.



For your writing this week about Spartan life and diary entry in the role of a soldier. You have understood the features of your writing; ensuring these are shown throughout. Keep it up!



Ivy has worked very hard to improve her thinking skills this week and apply them to her arithmetic and problem solving skills in maths lessons. I'm very impressed -  keep this up!



Sebby has shown some great thinking skills when transferring his research knowledge into his report writing plan, then also being creative whilst organising the structure of his work. 



For being a risk-taker this week. You have really thrown yourself into your work, especially the maths, and not been daunted by it.



Eve Impresses us every day with her amazing attitude to learning.  She is a caring and principled student who continues to put maximum effort into everything she does.   



Freddie, you've been on fire this week! You've shown great balance, working independently in maths and English, following instructions and making sure your work is top-notch — that's how it's done! Keep it up!



For being caring, showing empathy, compassion and respect in all she does - well done Ruby!



For being a fantastic communicator. You are engaging in your reading and able to talk about what you have read and make predictions about what will happen. Keep up the good work!



For being an excellent communicator in your inquiry lessons this week. Your ideas and discussions about climate change have gone into great depth, demonstrating your excellent knowledge. Keep it up, Frank!



For being knowledgeable in your leaflet on climate change - you thought about what we could do to stop climate change and wrote a balanced and convincing argument explaining your ideas.

Well done!



Macy has shown the attributes of a principled learner this week. In particular she has shown perseverance in completing a written piece of work.



For being an inquirer this week. She has conducted some excellent research about Australia for her travel writing. Well done Maria.



For being a great all rounder this week, with your continued effort to work hard across the board! You have excelled in PE, created a fantastic piece of writing for our inquiry and pushed yourself in your maths. Well done you!



For being a fantastic communicator across all areas of your learning but especially in phonics. You have blown us away with your efforts to decode and blend a wide range of words. You approach your phonics learning with wonderful enthusiasm and you are always keen to try your best. Keep up the AMAZING work!



Harrpa you been a knowledgeable and principled learner this week. You have applied all of your phonemic awareness in your writing and have been participating fantastically in your phonics lessons. Your writing has been brilliant, keep this up!



Kovey this week you have been a risk-taker. You are a determined individual who can adapt through challenge. During English this week you were an amazing communicator when you presented your letter to Mummy Wolf.  Keep up this amazing work!



For being risk taker, he has done so well in his first week at Paddock Wood. He has worked really hard to settle in and make new friends, we are so proud of him! Well done Alex!



For being a caring thinker! Noah is always a calming, kind presence in our class. He makes sensible decisions when encountering new problems and always considers other people’s thoughts and feelings. We are proud to have such a respectful member of our class! Well done Noah.



You have had a super first week in Phoenix class! You have been a good communicator by sharing your ideas and making new friends! 




For some terrific writing this week. You have effectively used 'author voice' and imaginative vocabulary to describe life in Ancient Greece.



For your great improvement in your arithemtic this term. You've worked like a trooper to increase your pace and accuracy, showing great pride in the progress you've made. Awesome Arlo.



You continue to show great understanding across all areas of the curriculum, especially in writing. You have been creative and understood how to correctly get across the information in a variety of ways. Keep it up!



For making a big effort to work more independently in class and complete his work during lesson times - Keep it up Dom!



Max has been an all round inquirer this week, showing particular curiosity during our RE topic and engaging fully in the endangered animals competition. Well done!



For a great attitude to your work this week. You’ve had a few hurdles to overcome, but you have shown a willingness to get over them.



Henry has shown fantastic ideas this week, both in his poetry writing and in science.  Really well done Henry - we love your enthusiasm for learning.



Isla, your colour poem was simply beautiful! Your use of description really brought your ideas to life. Keep expressing yourself creatively!



For doing so well with his TTRS challenges over the last few weeks - well done Michael!



For a fantastic finished leaflet about Climate Change. You thought carefully about the reader, presenting your work neatly and in an appealing way with clear text and very impressive pictures to illustrate. Well done!



For your brilliant leaflet on climate change. Your leaflet was beautifully written and presented, with carefully drawn pictures. It was wonderful to see how much pride you took in your work. Well done and keep up the brilliant learning, you superstar!



For your efforts in maths, you are showing great focus and making links using your number knowledge to help you solve more complex problems. Well done!   



Edward has made an excellent start to his time at Paddock Wood - his work has demonstrated care, attention to detail and is a model for others to use.



For being a passionate reader. She is always eager to read and uses her comprehension skills to answer a range of questions. Keep it up Isla, you are a brilliant role model!



Well done for working so hard this week. You have created a fantastic travel writing piece for our line of inquiry. 



For settling into 1E so beautifully. You always try your best, join in our class discussions confidently and have built some wonderful friendships. 

We feel very lucky to have you join our class. What a superstar you are! 



You have been a tremendous communicator this week and achieved lots within a group. You shared ideas and worked well to create a house for the three little wolves in science making it safe, strong, stable and waterproof. Well done Laethan, continue à être incroyable.



Olivia you are a respectful and caring member of 1T. You are a courageous individual who never gives up. Your resilience has blossomed over this term and this can be seen across the curriculum. 



For demonstrating a significant improvement in his choices. He has been trying his best to remove himself from tricky situations. Well done Leatham! 



For the amazing progress in all of her learning! Lily has made every effort to show off her skills and we are so impressed. The development of her maths knowledge and writing is something to be extremely proud of.  Well done and keep up the brilliant work! 



For working hard in all areas of learning this week. You always try your best and share your ideas with the rest of the class. Well done!