Sayandip Raj

Support Padakshep so we can support more students like Sayandip Raj

Every year we can choose only a few from so many deserving students for our scholarship program. You can help us support more students by donating to Padakshep. Padakshep is not just us, it also includes you. So, why wait? 

Parents: Shyamapada Raj and Rita Som (Raj) 

Financial Condition: ₹4,000.00 per month 

Ambition: Software Engineer

Name: Sayandip Raj 

Support : 2023-2025

Current Education :  Higher Secondary

Newspaper Report: 


Subjects: Bengali, English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology 

School (X and XII):  Monoharpur Raja RamChandra Vidyaniketan 

Head Master:  Sukumar Sasmal 

HomeDantan, Paschim Medinipur 

Mentors from Padakshep: Tuhin Chandra, Arghya Pratihar, Arka Santra