Jyoti Sarkar

Support Padakshep so we can support more students like Jyoti Sarkar

Every year we can choose only a few from so many deserving students for our scholarship program. You can help us support more students by donating to Padakshep. Padakshep is not just us, it also includes you. So, why wait?

Name: Jyoti Sarkar

Home: Vill : Anandanagar, PO+PS : Maynaguri, Dist : Jalpaiguri, Pin : 735224

Support : 2022-2024

Current Education : HS (Science)

Parents: Dipti Sarkar & Jiten Sarkar

Financial Condition: They are currently a family of three (parents). They live in a 'tiner baari'. Her father used to be tailor. However, because of the poor business condition, he now drives toto. They have a 100 days job card as well for occasional work.

Ambition: She wants to be a doctor

Subjects: Bengali, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

School (X): Moynaguri Subhasnagar High School

School (XI-XII): Moynaguri Subhasnagar High School

Head Master: Malay Sikdar

Mentors from Padakshep: Suvendu Karak (suvendu.karak@padakshep.org)

Advisor: Bappa Ghosh (bappa.ghosh@padakshep.org)

Jyoti's house (back side)

Jyoti's house (front side)

Jyoti's house (side view)