Radnor Scouting, over 100 years of Scouting Excellence

Over 100 Years

Radnor Scouting has been an important presence on the Main Line for over a century. Radnor Scouting history began in 1911 with the formation of Wayne 1, one of the first Scouting units in the United States.  The Wayne 1 Cabin was located on the grounds of the current Church of the Savior. Their original Cabin was featured in an early Boys Life and the ruins of their Cabin's chimney remain today. 

Today Radnor Scouting has two Packs, Pack 19 and Pack 284, and two Scouts BSA Troops, Troop 284 and Troop 284-G. The packs are family packs and accepts both boys and girls.  The troops are linked, which in scouting lingo means same Charter  Organization and structure, they just meeting and camp separately. 


Radnor Scouting history began in 1911 with the formation of Wayne 1, one of the first Scouting units in the United States.  The Wayne 1 Cabin was located on the grounds of the current Church of the Savior. Their original Cabin was featured in an early Boys Life and the ruins of their Cabin's chimney remain today.

After World War 1, Wayne 1s membership waned but a new unit Radnor 1 was chartered by St Martin's church.  In 1940 the charter was transferred to the Men’s Committee of the Wayne Presbyterian Church. Radnor 1 constructed their own Cabin at Montgomery Scott property along West Wayne Avenue in 1949 corresponding to current Odorisio Park.

The Radnor 1 cabin ruins at Odorsisio remain to this day as a concrete slab and chimney. In the early 1960s when this land was sold to the Radnor School district for the possible site of a new school, the Montgomery Scott family offered the use of the 1888 Radnor #7 one room Schoolhouse on Darby Paoli road for the location of the next Scout cabin at 1$ a year rent. The Scouts in turn repaired the old Schoolhouse with new roof, shutters, stove and windows - with subsequent generations continuing to care for the Cabin and grounds over the following decades. 

Over the years, Radnor Scouting has had troops from Radnor 1, to Wayne 7.  Wayne Troop 2 is pictured on the right in the 1940s. In addition to the Radnor and Wayne titles, Ithan and Bryn Mawr troops met in Radnor Township in the Garret Hill area.

In addition to Scout Troops, Radnor 284 also charted Sea Scout Ship 284 and Explorer Post 284 and Venture Crew 284.

The number of Cub Packs varies during the hay day of scouting in the 1950, the all lead us to where we are today.

Radnor 1 was originally part of Montgomery and Delaware County Council - later to become Valley Forge Council in 1958 and joining Philadelphia Council in 1996 to become Cradle of Liberty Council. Radnor 1 traditionally attended Camp Delmont in the 1950s. Major local Scouting events included National Jamborees at Valley Forge State Park in 1950, 1957 and 1964. In early 1960s, the troop began attending the new Philadelphia Council and Valley Forge Council Resica Falls Scout Camp. At the same time, the Troop became known as Radnor 284 with implementation of updated National BSA charters, and local unit numbering system. In 1967 the Troop began a tradition of independent high adventure summer trips that included Fawn Run at Resica, Lake George and Adirondack Canoe trips.  

The impending sale of portions of Wheeler Tract to Radnor Township that included the Cabin in 2018, Friends of Radnor 284 acquired the Scout Cabin to preserve the historic property and allow it to continue to serve the youth of the community. Through the efforts of many donors, the cabin underwent renovation in 2020 with work on a porch, quartermaster shed, roof, basement and return of the schoolhouse bell /cupola. The Troop has gone on to graduate over 250 Eagle scouts, each of them contributing a major service project to the community. The Troop celebrated its centennial in 2020 with an alumni gathering and placement of a time capsule to be opened in 2045. In 2019, Radnor 284G Trailblazers girls unit was founded with the first female Eagle Scouts in 2023.

Radnor 284 Centennial Video 

Celebrating 100 years in 2022!