Some core questions that guide my investigations

1) The core issue is not really an objective "problem" that exists "out there" in the world somehow. It's more like a description of a certain self-contradictory way of thinking: If you build a model universe out of concepts whose defining characteristic is the absence of experience, then no matter how you stretch and contort it, your model will not contain the property of experience. (See "Untangling the Hard Problem of Consciousness" for more on this point.) Given that we've created the contradiction by our way of thinking, the solution is to modify the concepts we use to describe reality, to avoid creating the contradiction. 

2) If there is a real puzzle here at all, it has more to do with how things unfold over time. Was there a time when no experience existed, and then later a time when experience did exist? How did that transition occur? What underlying framework holds the relevant concepts for thinking about this?

3) A deeper underlying question that I think is more interesting and worthy of our attention is something like, "What properties must a universe have in order to implement (without internal contradiction) both algorithmic and non-algorithmic aspects?"