Gender and Society in South India

The winter travel course is rooted in the longstanding relationship between Pacific University's Center for Gender Equity and Lady Doak College, a women's liberal arts college in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, South India. The program was founded by Martha Rampton, Professor of History and founder and Director of the Center for Gender Equity.

After a short preparatory course in the fall, the group travels to the Lady Doak campus and enjoys the hospitality of the students and faculty during the season of the Pongal rice harvest festival. The trip concludes with a train trip across the subcontinent into the state of Kerala for a writing retreat. Students enroll in GSS 211 Preparation for Travel in India (2-credits) in the fall term - the class will meet approximately every other week - and GSS 310 occurs over the winter term. Register for the course on BoxerOnline.