Otters, May 25

🔬 Chemistry Week 🔍

Please send photos and videos of your child’s learning activities to Ms. Aja via email or via this Dropbox link. Files will be shared on our Otter blog.

Monday May 25

Memorial Day Holiday:

If appropriate, find a way to remember and honor all of those who have given their lives in the service of our country.

Tuesday May 26

Morning Letter: Morning letter

Check out Otter activities from last week on our blog.

Chemistry Explorations:
NSTA: Why is Water Sphere-Shaped in Space?

Create a Leak-Proof Bag

Blobs in a Bottle

Groovy Lava Lamp

Meditation or Movement: Meditation with Ms. Julie

Outdoor Choice: Play outside!

Numeracy: Snow Math

More Snow Math

Writer's Workshop: Write a birthday letter to Henry. Be sure to mail your letter to the address provided in our birthday email.

Read Aloud/Doodling: Sofia Valdez, Future Prez. Read Aloud by Ms. Aja

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Treasured Reading: Read from the assigned Chemistry Collection on Epic, or a book of your choice.

Wednesday May 27

Morning Letter: Morning letter

Chemistry Explorations:
Watch Mark Rober's Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

Make Your Own Foamy Fountain

Upside Down Cup of Water

How to Keep a Paper Towel Dry Under Water

Meditation or Movement: Meditation with Ms. Julie

Outdoor Choice: Play outside!

Numeracy: Ice Math Problems

Popsicle Car Math

Writer's Workshop: Write a birthday letter to Landon. Be sure to mail your letter to the address provided in our birthday email.

Read Aloud/Doodling: Tacky the Penguin Read Aloud by Ms. Aja

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Treasured Reading: Read from the assigned Chemistry Collection on Epic, or a book of your choice.

Thursday May 28

Morning Letter: Morning letter

Chemistry Explorations:
Blow Up a Balloon With Yeast

Make a Ghost Glove

NSTA: How Do Hot Air Balloons Work?

*Pick-up belongings from ELC from 10-1.

Read Aloud by Ms. Julie: The Lute Player

Outdoor Choice: Play outside!

Numeracy: Bouncy Ball Math

Balloon Math Problem

Writer's Workshop: Write a birthday letter to Sawyer. Be sure to mail your letter to the address provided in our birthday email.

Read Aloud/Doodling: I Lost My Bear Read Aloud by Ms. Aja

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Treasured Reading: Read from the assigned Chemistry Collection on Epic, or a book of your choice.

Friday May 29

Morning Letter: Morning letter

Chemistry Explorations:
Magic Ketchup Experiment

Make a Super Ball

Go on a nature walk. Try Nature School Week One activities.

Outdoor Choice: Play outside!

Numeracy: Play a round of Yahtzee. You’ll need five dice and this score sheet .

Or play How Many Are In This Row? You’ll need this Recording Sheet

Writer's Workshop: Write a birthday letter to Max. Be sure to mail your letter to the address provided in our birthday email.

Read Aloud/Doodling: Sparky Read Aloud by Ms. Aja

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Treasured Reading: Read from the assigned Chemistry Collection on Epic, or a book of your choice.


Otter Learning Goals for Week of
May 25th-29nd


Read for at least 20 minutes each day.


Become familiar with Bedtime Math daily problems. This is an excellent resource that can be utilized during the summer to inspire mathematical conversations and problem-solving.

Use flexible thinking and problem-solving skills to solve real-world problems.


• Write and mail a birthday letter to Henry, Landon, Sawyer, and Ivan.


Explore matter in its solid, liquid, and gas states. Make scientific observations and design experiments.