Otters, April 27

πŸ™†πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ πŸ™…πŸ½ A Week of Pause πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ πŸ™†πŸ½

Please send photos and videos of your child engaging in the learning activities below, to Ms. Aja via email or via this Dropbox link.
Files will be shared on our Otter blog.

Family Pause Week

Go into this week
with the attitude that
your peace,
your health of mind,
and your heart
mean more than
getting everything else done.
That your smile matters,
That feeling rested matters.
That holding the hand
of your loved ones matter.
So pause lots,
function at a pace
that doesn’t pull you apart.
Honour the things that
make you feel good inside,
the things that make you feel alive.
Give time to those things this week.
Make time the gift it is,
by giving it to what really matters to you.

β€” S.C. Lourie of Butterflies and Pebbles

Read Letter from Otter and Whale Teachers about Pause Week here.
Each day this week we invite you to...

  • Journal together in your COVID-19 Family Journal

  • Snuggle up to read books together

  • Get outside for some fresh air

  • Play, create, and talk with your children. The Family Pause Grid below is full of fun, memory-making ideas if you need help getting started.

If you continue to struggle with how to share news about our current situation with your child, we would highly recommend the following book, titled Coronavirus, A Book For Children (or view alternative Audio Version). It does an exceptional job of answering questions in a child-friendly way, and it’s reassuring and calming. It’s illustrated by Axel Scheffler (of Gruffalo fame).



We want to invite you, as parents and caregivers, to take a deep breath too. Parenting in the midst of a global pandemic can be exhausting and draining. Remember that giving yourself grace during this challenging time is vitally important. We encourage you to make self-care a priority. Feel free to use ideas from this parent pause grid to get started.