Jellyfish, June 1

Jellyfish, this is the last week of ELC online for this school year. Next week is “Outdoor Week” and all the teachers will be joining together to provide recreational activities for you to enjoy throughout the summer. Thank you for stopping by and trying the recipes, projects, games and jokes we have written for you. We hope you had fun, and that you learned something new; just as Ms. Becca and I learned something new teaching through a computer! We continue to miss you, and hope to see you in our classrooms in the fall!

Recipe of the Week

Yogurt Parfaits!

Simply layer your favorite yogurt and favorite add-ins in a glass or cup. Ideas for add-ins include: berries, granola, cereal, peanut butter, sliced fruit, dried fruit, nuts, pretzels, honey, the possibilities are endless!

Decorate a Tree

Print out the tree on the next page and decorate the branches however you choose! Paint, paper circles, collage material. Here are some pictures for inspiration…

Unique Painting

Sometimes it’s fun to try something new. A change in materials or location can be the spark to create a masterpiece! Here are a couple ideas to get you thinking of new ways to make art!

Natural paintbrushes

Drawing while lying under a table

Bubble wrap tree painting

Literacy - Spoon Letter Memory

Write letters on the inner bowl of plastic spoons to play a game of memory.

Create sets of letters using either capital, lowercase, or one of each (i.e. AA, aa, or Aa, etc).

Take turns flipping the two spoons over trying for a match. If the letters don’t match, flip the spoons back over and the turn goes to the next person.

Science - Taste Testing

Next time you venture to the grocery store, pick up various types of apples, oranges, carrots, (or maybe potato chips?) and conduct a fun taste test science experiment!

What type of apple is the household favorite? What characteristic is most popular in those oranges that are preferred?

Try tasting each variety with your eyes closed. Does it taste the same? Do you still prefer the same type of apple? (Print this chart, or make your own together!)

Science - Sense of Smell

Read this article about How our Sense of Smell works, then try a sense of smell guessing game. While blindfolded see if you can guess what an item is simply by smelling it!

This works best with food, plants, or toiletries (that are safe to smell!).

Can you tell the difference between various types of fruit? Cereal? Different flowers?