Jellyfish, April 13

April 13

I have been taking A LOT of walks with my family and my dog. On one of our routes, this sign is hanging outside a house. It carries an important and positive message: We can do hard things. Being at home all the time is a challenge! But I know we can be successful by doing this together! Do you think you can share an inspiring message with your neighbors? Maybe it’s a colorful picture you hang in your window? Maybe it’s a happy message written on your driveway with chalk? Share the love… we miss you!

Recipe of the Week

The softest playdough ever, feel free to half the recipe, this makes a big batch.
4 c flour
2 c salt
¼ c cooking oil
2 ½ Tbls. cream of tartar
4 c water
Food coloring (add to water)

Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan and cook on medium stirring frequently until mixture forms a ball.

Knead until smooth

Literacy: Zines

On your right are the steps to make a Zine. Zines are small books that you can make at home. All you need is a sheet of paper, scissors and something to write with. What will your zine be about?

Move Your Body!

Enjoy dancing as if you were back in the ELC! Turn the volume up and have a family DANCE PARTY!


Weaving is a beautiful craft to practice. Some of the older Jellyfish are quite skilled at it. You may need a grown up to help you make the loom out of yarn/string and a piece of cardboard. Once the loom is complete, weaving materials can be unlimited! Use long grasses, feathers, thin strips of plastic from packaging, use your imagination. Remember over, under, over, under, and the opposite on the way back.

Science – Why do we use soap?

Sure we’re told to use soap, but WHY? This simple experiment gives young learners a visual of how soap works to get germs off our hands. The plans suggest using glitter, but feel free to substitute black pepper, or experiment and try different herbs or materials to see what soap works best on!

Literacy – Alphabet matching

Do you have extra plastic Easter eggs sitting around that can be repurposed? Play a capital/lowercase letter matching game, or practice word families. Easy to make and modify for individual learners.

Active Science-Ramp Play

Using a cardboard box, create a ramp coming off a chair or couch. Collect various rounded items and see what happens when they roll down the hill. Easter eggs, balls, round toys, rolled up socks, cars… What happens when you try square items? Wonky shaped items? What shape rolls the best and why?