Dolphins, Week of May 25

👅 👂🏼 My Five Senses 👃🏾 👁 🖐

Monday May 25

Memorial Day Holiday:

If appropriate, find a way to remember and honor all of those who have given their lives in the service of our country.

Tuesday May 26

Story Time: My Five Senses, read by Ms. Laurel

Art and/or Science
Explore Your Sense of Touch

Use a pillow case or cloth bag. Put an item in the bag. See if your child can guess what it is by only touching the object and not looking! (For a challenge, have them only feel the object by touching the outside of the bag).

Explore Your Sense of Taste

Gather ingredients that are:
- Salty (salt or chips)
- Sweet (sugar or syrup)
- Bitter (unsweetened chocolate; decaf coffee)
- Sour (lemon, lime, vinegar)
- Spicy (radish, pepper)

Try a taste of each item and talk about what that taste is called.

Extension: After trying bitter chocolate, try semi-sweet or milk chocolate. What happens when we combine bitter & sweet?

Numeracy: Salty or Sweet Data Collection
Interview your family and friends by phone to see which type of treat they prefer…salty or sweet? Add up your totals. What was most popular?

Kk Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Create "A" & "a" using playdoh while reviewing the name and the sounds the letter can make

*Challenge: Draw the letter K without using your sense of sight!


*Go For a Sense of Touch Nature Walk*
Have a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Rice Sensory-Sense of Touch Exploration

“Opposites” Material: Add smooth objects and bumpy to find and sort; then soft objects and hard Objects to find and sort

Wednesday May 27

Story Time: Matthew’s Dream, read by Ms. Laurel

Art and/or Science
Explore Your Sense of Smell

Gather items with a strong smell. Put them into a box or container with a small hole at the top. See if your child can figure out what is in the box by using their sense of smell!

- Banana
- Fresh mint
- Pickle
- Sliced Orange
- Peanut Butter
- Wet soil
- Perfume/Cologne
- Playdoh

Explore Your Sense of Sight

Can you move from one location in your house to another without looking? Can you get dressed or eat breakfast without using your sense of sight?

Estimation Jar (Sense of Sight)

Fill a glass jar with around 20 objects. Ask your child to estimate how many objects are in the jar based on their sense of SIGHT. Count the objects. “Did you guess too many or too few?”

*Challenge: Use the counting-on technique to see how close your guess was.

Ll Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Create B & b using leaves and sticks while reviewing the name and sound the letter makes

*Challenge: Draw the letter L without using your sense of sight!

*Go for a Smell Walk*

What can you smell? Can you smell the bark of a tree? Do you smell the rain after it rains? Can you smell a neighbor cooking? Can you smell the soil? Are there any flowers to smell?

Rice Sensory-Sense of Touch

Hide & Seek Game
Hide objects in the rice. Have your child hunt for specific objects using their sense of touch alone

Example: Now can you find the metal spoon?

Thursday May 28

Story Time: CREAK! Said the Bed, read by Ms. Laurel

Art and/or Science
Explore Your Sense of Hearing

Have your child cover or close their eyes. Make sounds they are familiar with. Can the guess what you are using/doing by only using their sense of hearing?

- Turning pages in a book
- Pouring Water into a cup
- Typing on a keyboard
- Clapping your hands
- Writing with a pencil
- Chewing crunchy food

Make a Rubber Band Guitar

Use an empty tissue box, plastic container or paper plate. Wrap rubber bands around it and decorate. Strum the rubber bands to make music! Does the music sound different if you use different types of containers?

Listen to a Family Member’s Heart

Instructions on STEAM with Ms. Amy

Journal Entry

Which sense do you find most important? Which sense could you give up easiest?

Estimation Jar (Sense of Touch)

Blindfold your child. Fill a bowl or bag with small objects. Have them guess how many objects are in the bowl based on their sense of TOUCH. Remove the blindfold. Count the objects. “How close was your guess?” Practice the counting-on strategy to see how many more or less there were than your guess.

Mm Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Create C & c using your arms/hands while reviewing the name and sounds the letter makes

*Challenge: Draw the letter M without using your sense of sight!

Go for a Listening Walk
What can you hear when you walk quietly?

Rice Sensory-Sense of Sound Exploration

Provide spoons and a variety of containers made of different materials (metal bowls, tupperware, plastic bag, glass bowl, small cloth bag, paper bag, ceramic cup). Does the rice sound differently when poured into different types of containers?

Friday May 29

Story Time: A Color of His Own, read by Ms. Laurel

Art and/or Science
Draw a Self Portrait

Look in the mirror and study your face. What shape and color are your eyes? What color is your hair? Is it long or short? Straight or curly? Look at the shape of your nose and mouth. Draw a self-portrait. Compare it to your self-portrait you did at the beginning of the school year! (Self-portraits sent home in bags you picked up from school).

5 Senses Art

Add a drop of essential oil or vanilla extract to your paint (tempera or water color). Give you child a small dish of salt. Let them TASTE a small amount. Have your child sprinkle salt using two fingers as they paint (apply salt before paint dries). When the artwork is done, they will be able to SEE the artwork, SMELL the artwork, FEEL the texture of the artwork and HEAR the sound when they rub their fingers on their artwork.

The Sound of Different Amounts

Give your child a container and several of the same small objects. Have them drop one of the objects into a container & notice the sound. Drop two objects in & notice the sound. Then choose different amounts of objects to drop into the container to compare the sound created.

Nn Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Trace D & d into a tray of flour while reviewing the name and sound the letter makes

*Challenge: Draw the letter N without using your sense of sight!


Have a Musical Dance Party!
Use or make instruments to play while dancing along to your favorite song. Ideas: two wooden spoons; small pot and metal spoon; or your rubber band guitar.

Rice Sensory-Sense of Touch Hide & Seek Game

Hide & Seek
Hide objects in the rice. Have your child hunt for specific objects using their sense of touch alone


Goals Included in this Unit:

Motoric Development

· Fine Motor Development (small muscles in the hands)

· Large Motor Development (large muscles in body)

Artistic Expression

· Artistic Exploration
· Representational Artwork


· Sense of Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing & Sound

Literacy Development

· Letter & Sound Recognition
· Story Comprehension
· Vocabulary (pertaining to the senses)


· Estimation; Comparing Amounts
· Data Collection & Graphing;
· Counting Using One-to-One Correspondence