Dolphins, Week of June 1

🍕 🥞 Food and Cooking 🥗 🍞

Monday June 1

Story Time: Pancakes! Pancakes! Read by Ms. Laurel

Cooking/Nutrition Project: Make Butter
Pour heavy whipping cream into a small jar, about halfway full. Add a pinch of salt. Screw lid on tight. Shake it until a ball of butter forms. (The excess liquid is called sweet buttermilk).

Illustrate the booK: The Doorbell Rang

Watch Ms. Amy’s family make a solar box oven on her STEAM page!

Numeracy: Snack Math

Use cereal or small crackers to place the correct number of snacks on each numbered card.

*Extension: Use these cards to practice addition or subtraction
(Subtraction: This bowl has 12 goldfish but they are feeling too crowded. I bought a new fish bowl that will fit 4 fish. How many fish will be left in the first bowl?)

Pp Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

“Draw” the letter on your parent’s back with your finger and then have them draw it on your back while reviewing the name and the sounds the letter can make.

Movement: Cosmic Kids Yoga- Alice in Wonderland

Sensory “Cooking” Bin: Add a few different types of dried ingredients in bowls. Let your child mix, stir and create!
(Dried ingredients: pasta, beans, lentils, rice)

Tuesday June 2

Story Time: Curious George Makes Pancakes, read by Ms. Laurel

Cooking/Nutrition Project: Make Pancakes
Do this on a morning that you won’t feel rushed. Have your child do as much as the measuring, pouring and mixing as they can independently. They will spill, it is okay! Provide instruction on measuring and leveling ingredients to get the correct amount. Cook and enjoy! Add nut butter and fruit on top for a well-balanced meal!

Numeracy: Trail Mix & Munch

Recipe & Math Discussions from Bedtime Math

Qq Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Create Q & q using playdough while reviewing the letter name and sound

Practice bouncing a ball and catching it (or dribbling if they can easily bounce & catch)

Sensory “Cooking” Bin
Have your child sort their ingredients into their original bowls. Then provide new kitchen materials (such as muffin tin, casserole dish, plastic containers with lids) to create again.

Wednesday June 3

Story Time: What Happens to a Hamburger? Read by Ms. Laurel

Cooking/Nutrition Project: Watch: The Importance of Fruits & Vegetables by the Tesco Eat Happy Project

Choose Your Own Healthy Lunch using this Food Group Checklist

Teach your child how to choose a healthy lunch that includes 4 food groups: vegetable, fruit, grain (carbohydrate); protein

Try to re-grow healthy lettuce with just water! See Ms. Amy’s STEAM page for instructions.

Journal Entry: What is your favorite healthy food? How does it make you feel when you eat it?

Numeracy: Sorting Food: Healthy & Occasional

Use magazines and grocery advertisements, Cut out all the food. Glue “whole foods” into healthy section (fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, meats, dairy); then packaged food (crackers, chips, cookies) into “occasional”

Were you able to find more healthy items or “sometimes” items?

Literacy: Rr Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Create R & r using your body while reviewing the name and sounds the letter makes

Movement: Cosmic Kids- Yoga Betsy the Banana

Sensory: Sensory “Worm Soup” Bin

Gather herbs, weeds, leaves, & flowers with your child. Provide them with scissors, water, spoons and bowls and allow them to create worm soup! *Make sure to talk to your child about non-edible plants having the possibility of being toxic so this soup is only for the worms!

Thursday June 4

Story Time: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, read by Ms. Laurel

Hi Pizza Man! Read by Ms. Amy

Cooking/Nutrition Project: Make Individual Pizzas!

Recipe for Pizza Dough (or purchase pre-made pizza dough)

Demonstrate spreading the sauce, sprinkling cheese and adding toppings. Let your child create their own pizza independently by adding sauce, cheese, and any toppings they would like. Try letting them chop veggies for their pizza!

Numeracy: Shape Pizza

Color and cut out “pizza toppings.” Glue toppings onto circle to create pizza. Count & record how many of each type of shape you have on your pizza.

Literacy: Ss Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

Trace S & s into a tray of flour while reviewing the name and sound the letter makes

Practice galloping (younger students) or skipping (older students) & hopping over items

Sensory “Worm Soup” Bin

Gather herbs, weeds, leaves, & flowers with your child. Provide them with scissors, water, spoons and bowls and allow them to create worm soup! *Make sure to talk to your child about non-edible plants having the possibility of being toxic so this soup is only for the worms!

Friday June 5

Story Time: Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? Read by Ms. Becca

Wild Boars Cook, read by Ms. Laurel

Cooking/Nutrition Project
: Massive Cookie

A fun recipe from the book, Wild Boars Cook


Allergy Friendly Breakfast Cookie

Numeracy: Goldfish Math

Cut out the cards with numbers. Lay cards out, turned down. Student turns over one card and places that amount of goldfish crackers in the bowl.

*Extension: Student turns over two cards and adds those amounts together.

Tt Hidden Picture Coloring (emailed)

“Draw” the letter on your parent’s back with your finger and then have them draw it on your back while reviewing the name and sound the letter can make.

Practice throwing a ball & catching it

Edible Slime Recipe:

Microwave 5 large marshmallows until soft. Add 1/2 tsp coconut oil & stir. Add 1 tsp of powdered sugar & 1 tsp cornstarch & mix. Continue adding powdered sugar & cornstarch until moldable/non-sticky.


Goals Included in this Unit:

Motoric Development

· Large Motor
· Fine Motor
· Hand-Eye Coordination

Artistic Expression

· Artistic Exploration


· Healthy Foods
· Food Groups
· Cooking

Literacy Development

· Letter Recognition
· Story Comprehension
· Following a Recipe


· Counting,
· Number Recognition
· Shapes
· Comparing Amounts