About Mr. Guerrero

This is my first year at Pacific Elementary. Before this I worked at Chilton middle School in Roseville California teaching 6th grade math and science for 2 years.

I got my credential at California State University Sacramento as well as my undergraduate degree. During my time there I coached varsity boys high school tennis while also working at the Children's center with students aged 6 months to 6 years.

I got married in 2019 to my wife Jennifer and she is the reason we relocated to the area as she is working at UCSC while pursing her PHD in mathematics. We are excited to start our new life here!

Fun facts!

  • I love PUNS and will ensure my students hear at least 3 a day :D

  • I am trying to learn to surf since we moved here and I can proudly say I can almost stand up on the board