Achievement Resources

Students, who scored "at or above" grade-level expectations on STAR 360 and CAASPP tests, reported using some of the following curricula.

Please note that the following curricula lists are not exhaustive. Students may have reached high levels of achievement in many different ways, so please work with your Homeschool Teacher to determine which curricula might work best for your students.

A common thread among students who scored at or above the standards was exposure to literature and nonfiction materials across all subjects and grade levels, whether students read independently, listen to audiobooks, or listen to a teacher or family member read aloud. Many HSTs noted that students who met or exceeded the ELA standards are avid readers. These students regularly read for pleasure in addition to reading for school assignments.  

It is also important to note that students often use a combination of print and online materials. This may include supplementing novel studies with a writing program, grammar lessons, and/or a test-prep workbook. The “I Can” Statements or course outlines ensure students complete all components of a flexible, student-focused, and well-rounded ELA course. 

*Math-U-See materials do not always align with the grade-level “I Can” Statements. Please work with your HST to supplement as needed to ensure exposure to and mastery of all grade-level content. 

**Teaching Textbooks tends to be one level below our grade-level “I Can” Statements. We recommend using the next level from this publisher (for example, Teaching Textbooks 4 for a 3rd-grade student) and following the “I Can” Statements to ensure exposure to and mastery of all grade-level content. 

Seventeen percent of students who met or exceeded the standards on the STAR and CAASPP tests participated in classes at least once per week. Popular classes among the students included here were: Choice Plus Academy, Spark, Elevate Learning, vendor-led instruction, homeschool co-ops, tutoring, or concurrent enrollment at community colleges.