July 21 - July 23


Rainbow Fish read aloud

Letter Practice

Write letters on 4x6 piece of paper( Does not need to be exactly 4x6 you may use scrape paper) Place paper on the bottom of a baking sheet. Put salt over the letter card. Have your student trace the letters with their fingers. For a challenge have students look at the card outside of the baking sheet and write the letter in the pan with out tracing.

Fishing Song


Counting Fish Game

Taking colorful gold fish, Sort and count the fish by color. Make AB patterns (Red,Green,Red, Green). Make lines with the gold fish in color and see what color you have more of.

Fish craft and Activities

Using Play dough make small fish out of different colors and sort them by color.

Speech and Language


Occupational Therapy: Fine Motor/Sensory

(Arts and Crafts)

Make a Fishing Game! You can draw and color your own fish and can use any magnets you have around the house.

Water Play! Play outdoors with water. Make your own Water Squirter using any small recyclable bottle you may have.


Make Playdoh Letters! Practice making F/f using rolled playdoh. You can practice all your letters as well.


Also see our OT Web Page for important notes, calendars and printable worksheets!!


Physical Therapy: Gross Motor

Movement Song/Book:

Animal Boogie



Downward Dog

Do 4 times, Try to hold 5-10 seconds.


All Fours Bucket Fill

(Make harder and alternate arms, make harder and stack vegetable cans for weight)


ALSO see Summer PT Packet for further ideas if you or your child would rather have paper format and play ideas.

EXTRA: Water Obstacle Course
